
学医836【洁矣屈原,光昭千载】2024-11-29鸡肾 the 8 cultural giants 2of8

提示:八大历史人物能量流:1. 【孔子能量流】大哉孔子,万世师表;有教无类,因材施教。天生仲尼,万民之光;承前启后,仁礼并彰。2. 【屈原能量流】洁矣屈原,光昭千载;魂兮离骚, 至今犹在。鸷鸟不群,前世固然;路其修远,上下求索!

"Pure is Qu Yuan, his light shines for a thousand ages; his soul in Li Sao, still resonates today. A lone bird soaring, his fate preordained; on a long journey, he seeks high and low."


  1. 洁矣屈原,光昭千载

    • 中文解读:屈原以高洁的品格和忠贞不屈的精神名垂青史,他的思想光芒跨越了千年,成为文学与道德的典范。
    • English: "Pure is Qu Yuan," reflects his incorruptible character and unwavering devotion, making him an enduring symbol of integrity and patriotism throughout history.
  2. 魂兮离骚,至今犹在

    • 中文解读:《离骚》是屈原的文学代表作,它不仅是中国文学史上的瑰宝,更是他灵魂的寄托,充满理想与悲愤。其文学价值和精神力量至今感人至深。
    • English: "His soul in Li Sao, still resonates today," signifies that his masterpiece Li Sao embodies his ideals and grief, influencing readers across millennia with its poetic brilliance and emotional depth.
  3. 鸷鸟不群,前世固然

    • 中文解读:屈原如同鸷鸟般孤高,志向卓绝,与世俗之人格格不入。他的命运早已注定为孤独的行者,独自守护道德与正义的高地。
    • English: "A lone bird soaring, his fate preordained," portrays him as a solitary yet noble figure, destined to stand apart from the crowd, upholding his principles in a corrupt world.
  4. 路其修远,上下求索

    • 中文解读:这是《离骚》中的经典名句,屈原坚信理想虽远,但绝不放弃,他上下求索,体现了其追求真理和美好世界的执着精神。
    • English: "On a long journey, he seeks high and low," echoes the enduring pursuit of his ideals, symbolizing an unyielding spirit in the face of hardship and alienation.



这首“屈原能量流”高亢且动人!接下来的伟大人物是谁? 😊

