|1. 心行路绝(果:不起心)观念头(因:正念禅观),言语道断(果:不动念)参话头(因:正语禅观);妄心断绝真心现,妙心妙语活神仙。 | |2.哀莫大于心死兮,乐莫大于心复活;复活玄武天根处,妄灭朱雀月窟时。 | |3.天根月窟相往来,龙腾虎跃妙人生;人生天来(从天-宇宙来)人死去(归天-宇宙去),不来不去宇宙间。 | |4.间间响应多维度,平行宇宙唯心现;唯心净土呼吸间,一呼一吸皆有间。| |5. 无间地狱呼吸急,极乐世界呼吸缓;若缓若急须调息,息灭烦恼息生觉。| |6. 一息尚存妙人生,息绝心停归天(回归宇宙)去;天来(从宇宙来)天去(回宇宙去)天长子(好比是上天的嫡长子降生在人间),富有天下(宇宙首富,富在心灵)贵天子(人间贵人,贵在德行)。| |7. 乾父坤母生养我,民吾同胞物吾与;张载四为(为天地立心·为生民立命·为往圣继绝学·为万世开太平)为我说,我当依教奉行之。| | 8. 之子于归(归省乾坤父母)归天心(中央黄帝土),鞠躬尽瘁死后已;君子任重而道远,远方和诗归当下。
1. 心行路绝(果:不起心)观念头(因:正念禅观),
The path of the heart is severed (fruit: no stirring of the heart); by observing the arising of thoughts (cause: right mindfulness meditation),
The path of words is severed (fruit: no thoughts move); by examining the source of words (cause: right speech meditation),
When the deluded mind is severed, the true heart manifests; the wondrous mind and speech bring forth the living immortals.
2. 哀莫大于心死兮,乐莫大于心复活;
There is no greater sorrow than the death of the heart; there is no greater joy than the revival of the heart.
Revival occurs at the root of the Black Tortoise, where delusions are extinguished in the moonlit cavern of the Vermilion Bird.
3. 天根月窟相往来,龙腾虎跃妙人生;
The root of heaven and the moon’s cavern intertwine, where the dragon soars and the tiger leaps—a wondrous life is born.
Life comes from the heavens (from the universe); death returns to the heavens (to the universe); in truth, neither comes nor goes within the vast cosmos.
4. 间间响应多维度,平行宇宙唯心现;
Each moment responds across multiple dimensions, with parallel universes arising from the mind;
The Pure Land of the mind exists in every breath; with each inhale and exhale, there is space, there is interval.
5. 无间地狱呼吸急,极乐世界呼吸缓;
In the hell of no intervals, the breath is frantic; in the Pure Land, the breath is gentle.
Whether fast or slow, one must adjust the breath, for in the stilling of breath, vexations are quelled, and awakening is born.
6. 一息尚存妙人生,息绝心停归天(回归宇宙)去;
While the breath remains, wondrous life unfolds; when the breath ceases, the heart stops, and one returns to the heavens (returns to the universe).
Coming from the heavens (from the universe), returning to the heavens (to the universe), the heavenly firstborn (like the eldest son of heaven born into the world),
Rich with the world (the wealth of the universe, rich in spirit), noble as the heavenly son (a noble person in the world, noble in virtue).
7. 乾父坤母生养我,民吾同胞物吾与;
The heavens and earth, as my parents, nurture me; the people, my siblings, share all things with me;
Zhang Zai's Four Reasons: To establish the heart for Heaven and Earth; to establish destiny for the people; to carry on the teachings of the ancient sages; to open the way to peace for all future generations. His words speak to me, and I shall follow and uphold them.
8. 之子于归(归省乾坤父母)归天心(中央黄帝土),
This child returns (to honor the heavens and earth, my parents), returning to the heavenly heart (the central land of the Yellow Emperor),
I bow and give my all, even until death; the noble person bears a heavy responsibility, for the path is long. In the distant realm of poetry, I return to the present moment.