1. 立足于“土中真土”的中央黄帝土的中麒麟的“人中真人”的运化枢纽处,
2. 北玄武的天根处的“水中真水”的“性中真性”的人性本源,
3. 东青龙的生发处的“木中真木”的“真命天子“的天命穆穆,
4. 南朱雀的月窟时的“火中真火”的“心中真心”的良心发现,
5. 西白虎的收敛时的“金中真金”的“天理化身”的天理流行,
6. 活在当下的大人的一言一行见精神:走真人的无相慈悲、乘愿再来的路,说真我的般若空慧的象思维的话,开创智人物种进化为觉悟物种的康庄大道!
1. 北玄武天根处的“水中真水”:象征着“性中真性”,代表人性的根本源泉。它是纯粹的、本真的自然本性,是宇宙深处未被扭曲的人性本源。
2. 东青龙生发处的“木中真木”:意味着“真命天子”的天命,它象征着纯正的生命力量,是天命显现的象征,预示着生命的生发与万物的蓬勃生长,宛如天命昭昭,带来无限生机。
3. 南朱雀月窟时的“火中真火”:代表“心中真心”的良心觉醒。这个真火象征了清晰的良知,带来洞察力与智慧的火焰,是人心在闪现真理时的那一刻觉悟。
4. 西白虎收敛时的“金中真金”:是“天理化身”的体现。真金象征着纯净、公正的自然法则,揭示了天理的无偏与公平,是宇宙秩序自然流动的体现。
5. 活在当下的觉悟之人:
• 走真人的路:即无相慈悲,心怀度众生的愿望而再次降生人间。这个路径是纯净无伪的,不沾染世俗的假象,是觉者无私的慈悲之路。
• 说真我的话:用般若空慧的象思维表达真实智慧。通过象思维的方式,语言简洁而富有深意,揭示出超越普通语言表达的深刻真理。
1. 立足于“土中真土”的中央黄帝土的中麒麟的“人中真人”的运化枢纽处,
2. 北玄武的天根处的“水中真水”的“性中真性”的人性本源,
3. 东青龙的生发处的“木中真木”的“真命天子“的天命穆穆,
4. 南朱雀的月窟时的“火中真火”的“心中真心”的良心发现,
5. 西白虎的收敛时的“金中真金”的“天理化身”的天理流行,
6. 活在当下的大人的一言一行见精神:走真人的无相慈悲、乘愿再来的路,说真我的般若空慧的象思维的话,开创智人物种进化为觉悟物种的康庄大道!
English Translation:
The Cosmic Energy of the True Five Elements (From Genuine Wood to Genuine Water):
At the center, rooted in the “Genuine Earth of Earth” represented by the Middle Qilin of the Yellow Emperor’s Earth, lies the transformative core of the “True Human among Humans.” This hub of energy guides the true flow of the five elements:
1. True Water at the Root of the Northern Black Tortoise: This symbolizes the “True Nature within Nature,” the original essence of human nature itself. It is the source of pure and innate potential, deeply connected to the cosmic root, revealing the undistorted foundation of one’s being.
2. True Wood at the Birthplace of the Eastern Azure Dragon: It signifies the “Mandate of Heaven” in its purest form, akin to a true sovereign destined to lead. True Wood embodies the natural, unimpeded will of destiny, with the force of life surging forth in perfect harmony with the universe’s deep calling.
3. True Fire at the Moon Cave of the Southern Vermilion Bird: It represents the discovery of “True Heart within the Heart.” This genuine fire shines a light on one’s conscience, revealing inner wisdom. It embodies the moment of clarity and self-realization, where the innate sense of right and wrong manifests as a flash of insight.
4. True Gold at the Convergence of the Western White Tiger: This is the “Incarnation of Universal Order,” where true gold symbolizes the unblemished principles of cosmic justice. Here, the universal laws are naturally upheld, with true wisdom manifesting in the pure, just order of nature.
5. Living in the Present as an Enlightened Person:
• Walking the Path of the True Human: This path embraces the selfless compassion of a bodhisattva, reincarnating with a vow to aid others. It is a journey of genuine intent, free from illusions, focusing on the authentic path of no-form compassion.
• Speaking the Words of the True Self: Using the wisdom of Prajna (transcendent insight) expressed through symbolic thinking, one speaks from a place of deep, genuine understanding. This communication transcends conventional language, delivering clear and profound truths, paving the way for intelligent beings to evolve into awakened beings.
This philosophy highlights a harmonious union of cosmic and human wisdom. Standing firm in the central hub of the Middle Qilin’s transformative energy, one can live with spiritual mastery, reflecting this deep understanding in every word and action. By embracing the authentic path and expressing true insights, individuals contribute to the evolutionary journey of transforming intelligent beings into awakened, enlightened beings, paving the way for a brighter, more conscious future.
1. 立足于“土中真土”的中央黄帝土的中麒麟的“人中真人”的运化枢纽处,
2. 北玄武的天根处的“水中真水”的“性中真性”的人性本源,
3. 东青龙的生发处的“木中真木”的“真命天子“的天命穆穆,
4. 南朱雀的月窟时的“火中真火”的“心中真心”的良心发现,
5. 西白虎的收敛时的“金中真金”的“天理化身”的天理流行,
6. 活在当下的大人的一言一行见精神:走真人的无相慈悲、乘愿再来的路,说真我的般若空慧的象思维的话,开创智人物种进化为觉悟物种的康庄大道!