提示🔔…… 周易能量流:
1. 周易上经30卦18宫(同体异用的二卦同居于一宫;此二卦具有覆卦关系;除了乾·坤,颐·大过、坎·离这6卦分居,其余24卦12对配偶卦皆同居于一宫)的南朱雀的月窟时的天道界能量流,始于乾坤2卦2宫(乾坤是相反相成的配偶卦,然而不同体,故分居于2宫)开天辟地的造化能量流,终于坎离2卦2宫的日月合其明的气化能量流;
2. 周易下经34卦18宫(除了中孚、小过2卦分居2宫,其余32卦16对配偶卦皆同居于一宫)北玄武的天根处的人事界能量流,始于咸、恒2卦1宫的无心的至诚感通与有心的终身守恒的能量流,终于既济、未济2卦1宫的事业圆满与革命未成的能量流;
3. 周易全经64卦36宫的立身于中央黄帝土的中麒麟的天根月窟相往来、三十六宫总是春的天人合一的波粒二象性的活神仙的生活艺术境界的能量流。
1. 上经30卦18宫:南朱雀的月窟时的天道界能量流
• 概述: 周易上经以天道为主,探讨宇宙的根本法则与运行规律。
• 特点: 上经的30卦分布于18个宫位,其中12宫以**“同体异用”**为原则,同宫内的两卦具有覆卦关系(相辅相成但作用不同)。唯有乾-坤、颐-大过、坎-离这6卦属于“分居2宫”的3对配偶卦。所以。12+6=18宫。
• 具体能量流:
• 起点:乾坤2卦2宫
• 终点:坎离2卦2宫
2. 下经34卦18宫:北玄武的天根处的人事界能量流
• 概述: 周易下经以人事为主,探讨人类社会的关系、发展与实践法则。
• 特点: 下经的34卦分布于18宫,除中孚、小过两卦分居外,其余32卦16对均以配偶卦同居一宫为原则,体现人事中的对立统一与合作关系。所以,2+16=18宫。
• 具体能量流:
• 起点:咸、恒2卦1宫
• 咸(感应):象征“无心”的至诚感通,一切由真诚的感应自然发生;
• 恒(持久):象征“有心”的终身守恒,坚持不懈的努力追求。
• 终点:既济、未济2卦1宫
• 既济:象征事业圆满,所有事物得以完成;
• 未济:象征革命未成,持续追求的未竟之志。
3. 全经64卦36宫:中央黄帝土的天人合一能量流
• 概述: 上经与下经结合,共同构成宇宙运行与人事实践的完整图景,体现天人合一的境界。
• 特点:
• 天道与人事交融,上经的天道界和下经的人事界形成统一整体;
• “天根”与“月窟”之间相往来,宇宙与生命在对立中平衡,在流动中交汇。
• 具体能量流:
• 核心理念:三十六宫总是春
• 生活艺术:活神仙境界
The Energy Flow of the Zhouyi (I Ching):
1. Energy Flow of the Upper Canon (30 Hexagrams, 18 Palaces)
• Domain: The celestial realm at the “Moon Mansion” governed by the Southern Vermilion Bird.
• Structure: Each palace houses two related hexagrams that share a reciprocal or complementary relationship, except for six hexagrams (Qian & Kun, Yi & Da Guo, Kan & Li) that are separated into individual palaces due to their unique dynamics.
• Flow:
• Beginning: The creative forces of Qian (Heaven) and Kun (Earth), divided into two separate palaces, symbolize the beginning of creation and the cosmic process of transformation.
• End: The harmonious unification of Kan (Water) and Li (Fire) represents the culmination of energy in the form of radiant clarity, where sun and moon merge in their brilliance.
2. Energy Flow of the Lower Canon (34 Hexagrams, 18 Palaces)
• Domain: The human realm at the “Heavenly Root” governed by the Northern Black Tortoise.
• Structure: All paired complementary hexagrams reside within shared palaces, except for Zhong Fu and Xiao Guo, which are housed separately due to their distinct characteristics.
• Flow:
• Beginning: The interaction of Xian (Attraction) and Heng (Constancy) in one palace reflects the interplay of unintentional resonance and deliberate lifelong commitment, initiating human connection and continuity.
• End: The transition from Ji Ji (Completion) to Wei Ji (Incompletion) symbolizes the dual nature of human endeavors—moments of fulfillment alongside the perpetual striving for growth and evolution.
3. Energy Flow of the Complete Canon (64 Hexagrams, 36 Palaces)
• Domain: The central realm at the cosmic intersection of the “Heavenly Root” and the “Moon Mansion,” under the guardianship of the Central Qilin (Unicorn).
• Flow:
• This comprehensive perspective encapsulates the interplay of celestial and human dimensions, uniting the patterns of creation, transformation, and human action.
• The Zhouyi’s wisdom converges into a dynamic state of harmonized duality—wave-particle dualism that mirrors life’s intrinsic rhythm, guiding individuals toward a holistic, “immortal lifestyle” grounded in harmony with the universe.
The Zhouyi energy flow reveals a profound cosmological framework that connects Heaven, Earth, and Humanity through a dynamic interplay of opposites and harmonies. It provides a map for navigating life’s transformations, integrating celestial principles with human virtues to achieve a state of balanced existence.
1. 上经30卦18宫的能量流
• **领域:**由南方朱雀守护的“月窟”时的天道界。
• **结构:**每宫包含两卦,同体异用,具有互为覆卦的关系(除了乾、坤,颐、大过,坎、离这6卦分居2宫,其余24卦12对配偶卦同居于一宫;故上经为6+12=18宫)。
• 能量流:
• **起点:** 乾(天)与坤(地)的创生力量,分居两宫,象征开天辟地的造化之始。
• **终点:** 坎(水)与离(火)是配偶卦,虽分居2宫,却无碍于其对立统一的波粒二象性的作用,体现日月交辉、气化万物的宇宙明晰之境。
2. 下经34卦18宫的能量流
• **领域:**由北方玄武守护的“天根处”的人事界。
• **结构:**除了中孚、小过2卦分居2宫,其余16对32个配偶卦同居于1宫,所以下经为2+16=18宫。
• 能量流:
• **起点:**咸(感应)与恒(恒久)的无心至诚感通与有心终身守恒,开启了人与人之间的连接与传承。
• **终点:**既济(圆满)与未济(未竟)的转换,象征人类事业既有圆满也有未尽之境,反映了人类追求中始终存在的张力与可能性。
3. 全经64卦36宫的能量流
• **领域:**中央麒麟守护的“天根”与“月窟”相交的核心地带。
• 能量流:
• 从天道界到人事界,从乾坤创化到坎离气化,再到人与天地交融的整体格局,展现了天地人三才合一的完整体系。
• **核心:**天根与月窟的交往往复,波粒二象性的运行规律,使人类生活艺术达到“活神仙”般的圆融境界。