


1. 立足于中央黄帝土的西方极乐世界的

2. 中麒麟的念佛人的

3. 北玄武的天根处的娑婆世界的活在当下的今心的念

4. 与南朱雀的月窟时的华藏世界的佛弟子的觉的

5. 天根月窟相往来的龙腾虎跃的美妙人生。



1. 中央黄帝土的西方极乐世界的中麒麟:这里的“中央黄帝土”可以理解为一个象征性的基础或根基,代表着和谐、平衡与文化的核心。而“西方极乐世界的中麒麟”将极乐世界的理想与麒麟的祥瑞象征结合,可能表达一种超越现实的理想境界——无痛苦、无烦恼的极乐世界。麒麟作为和谐与祝福的象征,表明这种境界具有祥和的特质。

2. 念佛人的北玄武的天根处的娑婆世界的活在当下的今心的念:“念佛人”代表着一种专注和修行的生活方式,通常与佛教的修行密切相关,尤其是念佛法门。北玄武的“天根”象征着宇宙的基础或源头,代表了坚韧和稳定。娑婆世界是佛教中的现世,充满痛苦和不完美,“活在当下的今心的念”强调当下的觉察和专注——无论身处何种境界,都能保持觉悟和内心的平静。

3. 南朱雀的月窟时的华藏世界的佛弟子的觉:朱雀代表南方,常与火、光明、以及精神的升华联系在一起。月窟则是一个冥想和觉悟的隐喻空间。华藏世界指的是佛教的华严世界,强调一切事物的相互联系与全息性。在这一层面,“佛弟子的觉”表示觉悟的修行和精神的升华,是通向究竟智慧的途径。

4. 天根月窟相往来的龙腾虎跃的美妙人生:天根和月窟的相往来象征着物质与精神、宇宙与内心的和谐统一。龙腾虎跃象征着生气勃勃的生命力和无畏的精神,表示在这个充满觉悟的世界中,个体的生命可以像龙和虎一样自由飞跃、充满活力。而“美妙人生”则是指通过这种和谐的内外统一和精神觉醒,达到一个充满活力与智慧的理想人生。




1. 立足于中央黄帝土的西方极乐世界的

2. 中麒麟的念佛人的

3. 北玄武的天根处的娑婆世界的活在当下的今心的念

4. 与南朱雀的月窟时的华藏世界的佛弟子的觉的

5. 天根月窟相往来的龙腾虎跃的美妙人生。

Here’s an English translation of the phrase:

“Standing firm on the Central Yellow Emperor Earth, the Central Qilin’s practice of the Western Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss, the Northern Black Tortoise’s celestial root, the present mind’s contemplation in the Saha world, and the awakening of the Buddhist disciple in the Huazang world of the Southern Vermilion Bird—an extraordinary life full of vibrant energy, where dragon and tiger leap, flourishing in the endless cycles of life and death.”

Breakdown of Key Concepts:

1. Central Yellow Emperor Earth: Represents the core foundation of Chinese philosophy, symbolizing balance, harmony, and the central principle of the universe.

2. Western Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss: In Buddhism, this is the ideal land of Amitabha Buddha, a state free of suffering and filled with bliss.

3. Central Qilin: The Qilin is a mythical creature in Chinese culture, symbolizing peace, prosperity, and harmony. “Central Qilin” may represent the balance of energies in the world.

4. Northern Black Tortoise’s Celestial Root: The Black Tortoise, symbolizing resilience and protection, could represent the foundational aspects of existence or stability in the universe.

5. Present Mind’s Contemplation in the Saha World: The “Saha world” is the current world in which humans experience suffering and imperfection. The present mind refers to living mindfully in the now, understanding the transient nature of life.

6. Huazang World and Buddhist Disciple’s Awakening: The Huazang World is described in Buddhist scriptures as a vast and interconnected cosmos, where all phenomena are interrelated, representing enlightenment and understanding.

7. Dragon and Tiger Leap: In Chinese culture, the dragon and tiger symbolize dynamic and complementary forces, representing power, strength, and harmony in action.

This translation captures the philosophical depth and the interconnectedness of various cultural and spiritual ideas, combining elements of Chinese philosophy, Buddhist teachings, and the cosmic cycle of life. It speaks of living a balanced and enlightened life, engaging with the world mindfully, and awakening to the deeper truths of existence.


1. 立足于中央黄帝土的西方极乐世界的

2. 中麒麟的念佛人的

3. 北玄武的天根处的娑婆世界的活在当下的今心的念

4. 与南朱雀的月窟时的华藏世界的佛弟子的觉的

5. 天根月窟相往来的龙腾虎跃的美妙人生。

