提示🔔…… 大学之道的中庸之道:
1. 中央黄帝土的中道的四象流转的庸德:
2. 止于至善的中麒麟的运化枢纽,
3. 明明德的格物致知诚意正心的南朱雀的月窟时的良心天理,
4. 亲民的修身齐家治国平天下的北玄武的天根处的人性天命,
5. 天命穆穆的东青龙的下学而上达于南朱雀,
6. 天理昭昭的西白虎的上达而下化于北玄武。
1. 中央黄帝土的中道的四象流转的庸德
• 解释:
• 中央黄帝土代表中道,是四象流转的核心枢纽,象征着平衡与和谐。庸德,即普通的德行,指的是一种持久而稳定的美德,是日常生活中可持续的、无所不在的道德实践。这种庸德体现在四象流转的动态平衡中,涵盖了宇宙万物的生生不息。
• 英文翻译:
The Central Yellow Emperor’s Middle Path of Four Symbols Rotation and the Virtue of Commonality:
The Central Yellow Emperor Earth symbolizes the Middle Path (中道), serving as the core hub of the rotation of the Four Symbols. The virtue of commonality (庸德) reflects a stable, enduring moral practice present in everyday life, embodied in the dynamic balance of the Four Symbols’ eternal flow.
2. 止于至善的中麒麟的运化枢纽
• 解释:
• 中麒麟象征着中央的运化枢纽,止于至善是中庸之道的最高境界,意味着达到至高无上的善。这种至善是通过中道的持续实践和四象的平衡流转来实现的,是“大学之道”的终极目标。
• 英文翻译:
The Central Qilin’s Transformative Hub Leading to Ultimate Goodness:
The Central Qilin represents the transformative hub of balance, embodying the principle of ‘reaching the utmost good’ (止于至善). This supreme goodness is achieved through the persistent practice of the Middle Path and the harmonious flow of the Four Symbols, reflecting the ultimate goal of the Great Learning.
3. 明明德的南朱雀的月窟时的良心天理
• 解释:
• 南朱雀象征光明与智慧,其“月窟时”代表的是内在心灵的光亮。明明德即“显扬内在的光明德性”,这需要通过格物、致知、诚意、正心来实现,是对良心和天理的追求与实践。
• 英文翻译:
Southern Vermilion Bird’s Lunar Phase of Conscience and Heavenly Principle in Illuminating Virtue:
The Southern Vermilion Bird symbolizes light and wisdom, with its ‘Lunar Phase’ representing the inner clarity of the mind. Illuminating virtue (明明德) involves exploring the external world (格物), expanding knowledge (致知), ensuring sincerity (诚意), and rectifying the heart (正心), embodying the pursuit of conscience and heavenly principles.
4. 亲民的北玄武的天根处的人性天命
• 解释:
• 北玄武代表沉静与稳固,其“天根处”象征人性与天命的深层连接。亲民,即通过修身、齐家、治国、平天下,来实现人性天命的具体实践。是对个人德行与社会责任的全面落实。
• 英文翻译:
Northern Black Tortoise’s Root of Humanity and Mandate of Heaven in Serving the People:
The Northern Black Tortoise symbolizes calmness and stability, with its ‘Root of Heaven’ representing the deep connection between human nature and the Mandate of Heaven. Serving the people (亲民) involves cultivating oneself, regulating the family, governing the state, and bringing peace to the world, embodying the practice of human nature and heavenly mandate.
5. 东青龙的天命穆穆的下学而上达
• 解释:
• 东青龙象征春季的生发,其“天命穆穆”代表天命的深远与不可测。下学而上达,是指通过对世间知识和经验的学习,逐步达到对天理和宇宙真相的领悟,体现了由低到高的进步过程。
• 英文翻译:
Eastern Azure Dragon’s Reverberating Mandate of Heaven and the Path from Learning to Ascending:
The Eastern Azure Dragon represents growth and development, with its ‘Reverberating Mandate of Heaven’ indicating the profound and mysterious nature of divine will. The process of ‘learning to ascend’ (下学而上达) involves gaining worldly knowledge and gradually elevating one’s understanding to grasp the ultimate truths of the universe.
6. 西白虎的天理昭昭的上达而下化
• 解释:
• 西白虎象征收敛与归纳,其“天理昭昭”表示天理的明晰。上达而下化,是指在领悟了天理之后,能够将这种智慧运用到现实世界,教化民众,推动社会进步。
• 英文翻译:
Western White Tiger’s Clear Heavenly Principle and the Path from Ascending to Transforming:
The Western White Tiger represents introspection and consolidation, with its ‘Clear Heavenly Principle’ reflecting the evident and understandable nature of divine truth. The process of ‘ascending to transform’ (上达而下化) involves applying the gained wisdom of heavenly principles to educate the people and foster societal progress.
The Middle Path of the Great Learning is centered on the Middle Way of the Central Yellow Emperor Earth, facilitated by the transformative hub of the Central Qilin. It integrates the Southern Vermilion Bird’s illumination of virtue (明明德), the Northern Black Tortoise’s service to the people (亲民), the Eastern Azure Dragon’s journey from learning to ascending (下学而上达), and the Western White Tiger’s application of wisdom to societal transformation (上达而下化). This continuous flow of the Four Symbols embodies the practice and elevation of human nature, heavenly mandate, conscience, and heavenly principles, striving towards the ultimate goal of utmost goodness (至善).
提示🔔…… 大学之道的中庸之道:
1. 中央黄帝土的中道的四象流转的庸德:
2. 止于至善的中麒麟的运化枢纽,
3. 明明德的格物致知诚意正心的南朱雀的月窟时的良心天理,
4. 亲民的修身齐家治国平天下的北玄武的天根处的人性天命,
5. 天命穆穆的东青龙的下学而上达于南朱雀,
6. 天理昭昭的西白虎的上达而下化于北玄武。