0. 迷悟之间:阿罗汉的理性·菩萨的感性·佛陀的悟性。
1. 阿罗汉的理性:这是般若智慧的“零度空间”,是“宇宙的奇异点”。[zero dimensional space of a purified mind with only one reference point. ]
2. 菩萨的感性:这是无相慈悲的“一度空间”,是“无始无终”的时间本体。[one dimensional space of both the purified mind and an unconditional love with two reference points.]
3. 佛陀的悟性:这是无作涅槃的“二度空间”,是“无边无际”的空间本体。[two dimensional space of the purified mind, the unconditional love and the courageous actions with three reference points.]
4. 生佛不二的法界:这是三解脱门的“三度空间”,是“得无所得”的生命本体。[three dimensional space of the purified mind, the unconditional love, the courageous actions and a wholesome body. ]