

1. 考试是一桶水(教学第三位,跟学生一起准备好这一桶水!)While the Subject Teachers are busying with preparing this bucket of water with the students, they should remember that "go fast to prepare the exam加快脚步来备考" have to be balanced with "go slow to learn.放慢脚步来学习" 不要太忙,“忙”很容易变成“盲”!Be aware of blinding ourselves in the midst of busyness. 

2. 学习是一条河(育人第二位,陪伴学生在这一条河里游泳!)As CCE teachers, we have to be very clear in our minds that this is not about teaching knowledge and skills as the subject teachers. Instead, it's about authentic learning experiences which are flowing as a river in the hearts of both the teachers and the students. 不要“盲”,要“睁开眼睛”来跟学生分享自己人生中的真实故事!This process of CCE learning involves not only about "stand still to think停下脚步来思考", but also "step backwards to reflect退后一步来反思".   

3. 生活是一片大海(自强第一位,给学生指点大海的方向🧭 )As Life Coaches, we need to have the courage to teach with the authentic self as suggested by Parker J Palmer. We teach who we are! We explore and discover the beauty of life with our students while facilitating them to solve the problems of identity and integrity. The metaphor of 大海 here means the undivided life which is enjoyed by refined people. In this process of facilitation, we need to "return to the original point to make a paradigm shift回归起步来突破" so as we can "create our own future体验独步来创造" with a clear sense of "master of my fate" and "captain of my soul".

