
Peak Experiences 顶峰体验

3 Characteristics of Peak Experiences 顶峰体验的三个特点

  • 1. Fulfillment: Peak experiences generate positive emotions and are intrinsically rewarding. 【1. 充实感:顶峰体验接通乐观积极、向上向善的情感,同时内在感觉收获满满、毫无亏欠。】
  • 2. Significance: Peak experiences lead to an increase in personal awareness and understanding and can serve as a turning point in a person's life. 【2. 人生意义:顶峰体验提高了人心觉醒和人性洞察的深度和广度,可以发挥人生转折点的作用。】
  • 3. Spiritual: During a peak experience, people feel at one with the world and often experience a sense of losing track of time. 【3. 心灵:在顶峰体验里面,人们感觉与世界合一,并通常体验到时间静止的境界。】

