

1. Love this talk by Tara Brach on Responding , not reacting.  【培养回应能力,克制反应本能】

2. Her explanation of the inter connectivity of brain stem脑干 (stress reactivity压力反应本能), limbic system包含海马体和杏仁体的边缘系统 (emotions etc主管情绪、行为和长期记忆) and prefrontal cortex额叶大脑皮层 (reasoning推理, seat of mindfulness正念安住处) based on Dan Siegal is clear and simple. 

3. Resource: Have a listen if you have time.  link: https://youtu.be/ymPF0q7U5oM

4. This helped me yesterday when I had to respond to work crisis.  
Tara’s 3 invitations: 三个要点
Remember we are not our thoughts. 记得念头不足以代表自己。 
Coming back to the present. 记得回到当下。
Remember love. 记得热爱一切。

