
4 aspects of an undivided life 完整生命的四个层面

 1. seeing ourselves through mindfulness meditation. 通过静心禅修,看到自己,并开发“心灵宝藏”,这是地藏菩萨在行动。This is about finding ourselves and our footings in VUCA(volatility无常, uncertainty不确定, complexity复杂 and ambiguity歧义性) world throughout our lives. 在一个如此多变、不确定、复杂和歧义性的世界里,我们一定要依靠完整生命中的“地藏菩萨”的这个层面,来帮助自己找到真我并确定自己人生的立足点。

2. reading good books and get connected with different wisdom traditions of human cultural heritage with an open-mind so as to get connected to the singularity point of our lives. 通过毫无文化偏见的阅读,接通人类文化中的不同的智慧传承,来帮助自己回归到人类智慧的源头活水处:般若无知根本智。This is to answer the question of Who Am I? It is only then we understand that "I am nobody and I can be anybody" and that "the only thing I know is that I know nothing and I can know anything" and that "I am doing nothing here as a natural being and I can do anything there as a social being so as to serve and to fulfill and to actualize my value as a human being". 无知而无不知,无为而无不为,无我而无不我,这接通的是完整生命中的“文殊菩萨”的层面。

3. seeing with empathy the needs of the people in the society clearly. 慈悲为怀,普观世音,寻声救苦,这个描述的是完整生命中的“观世音菩萨”的层面。with the eyes of loving kindness and compassion, we are able to see the individual differences and customize our help accordingly. 众生都在受苦,可是众生的习气、烦恼的程度都不一样,所需要的帮助也是不一样的。所以我们要学会“现身说法”的本领:3.1 随类现身,不要摆出高高在上的架子,也不要故意摆出低低在下的姿态,要表现处跟那一个苦难众生一样的身量,不高不矮刚刚好;3.2 契机说法:不要说超越那名需要帮助的人所能够理解的程度的话,也不要说低于他能够理解的程度的话,要说出符合对方理解程度的话。

4. serving the needs of the people so as to fulfill own aspirations. 抱着“改变世界,从我开始”的信念,与志同道合的人组成团队,来为一个更美好的社会播下种子。也许我们自己这一生看不到、尝不到果实,也没有关系。只问耕耘,不问收获,因为收获就在耕耘之中了。这就是完整生命中的“普贤菩萨”的层面。这也是“行动中的佛”的生命层面,它含摄了前面的三个层面。these four aspects of our lives can, should and must integrate as one so that we can enjoy the peace and happiness of living at the present moments in an undivided life. 

