1. 大学之道<=>成佛之道;
2. 明明德<=>般若空慧;
3. 亲民<=>无相慈悲;
4. 止于至善<=>无上菩提。
The Unbounded Civilizational Continuum of Ancient China and Ancient India: A Harmonized Interpretation
1. 大学之道 <=> 成佛之道
大学之道,是儒家思想中追求的最高道德境界,它的核心在于修身为本,通过欲明明德于天下(平天下是一个开启世人觉悟的历程)-先治国-先齐家-先修身-先正心-先诚意-先致知-致知在格物的以六个“先”字为核心的推六步的内圣历程;与 物格-而后致知-而后意诚-而后心正-而后身修-而后家齐-而后国治-而后天下平的以七个“而后”为核心的进七步的外王历程,实现内外和谐,最终达到圣王的大同世界,其根本要义是人性天命的觉醒与良心天理的彰显。
The Way of the Great Learning (大学之道) is the highest moral pursuit in Confucianism, focusing on the cultivation of oneself, family, state, and the world. Its core lies in achieving harmony both within oneself and in society, ultimately reaching the state of the sage. The essence of this way is the unity of self-improvement and social responsibility.
The Path to Buddhahood (成佛之道), on the other hand, is the ultimate goal of Buddhist practice. It involves overcoming ignorance through spiritual cultivation, awakening, and compassion, with the aim of reaching liberation and wisdom. Both paths emphasize inner cultivation and outer application, seeking to harmonize the inner self and the world in order to achieve a state of ultimate goodness and enlightenment.
2. 明明德 <=> 般若空慧
Míngmíng dé (明明德) is a core concept in Confucianism, referring to the cultivation of one’s inherent virtue and moral light. It is the ideal of realizing and nurturing one’s innate moral nature, transcending personal limitations, and embodying the highest form of human goodness.
On the other hand, Prajna (般若) refers to the profound wisdom that arises from perceiving the emptiness of all things, realizing that everything is impermanent and lacks intrinsic existence. In Buddhism, emptiness wisdom (空慧) represents the ultimate understanding of reality, where one transcends dualistic thinking and perceives the unity of all things. Both paths emphasize transcending personal limitations through the cultivation of wisdom to achieve enlightenment.
3. 亲民 <=> 无相慈悲
Qīnmín (亲民) is a key concept in Confucianism, emphasizing the ruler’s responsibility to care for and serve the people, guiding them with virtue. This principle reflects compassion and benevolence towards the people, aiming to create a harmonious society through actions that show genuine concern and love for others.
Formless Compassion (无相慈悲) in Buddhism refers to the highest form of compassion, which is not bound by external appearances or forms. It is boundless love and care, coming from the depths of the heart, transcending all boundaries and embracing all beings with genuine empathy. While both concepts focus on compassion, one is directed towards societal well-being, and the other originates from the boundless love of the heart, transcending all forms and distinctions.
4. 止于至善 <=> 无上菩提
Zhǐ yú zhìshàn (止于至善) is an ideal moral state in Confucianism, emphasizing achieving the ultimate goodness through dynamic balance. It is a process of continuous self-cultivation, practice, and transcendence, where one strives for inner harmony and perfection. This path demands constant self-awareness and selfless pursuit.
Anuttara Bodhi (无上菩提) in Buddhism represents the highest level of enlightenment, the ultimate state of liberation and awakening. Bodhi means awakening, and Anuttara signifies the supreme, the highest level of wisdom and compassion. It is the state where one transcends all suffering, ignorance, and limitations, embodying boundless wisdom and compassion. Both Zhǐ yú zhìshàn and Anuttara Bodhi represent the highest form of enlightenment and virtue, with the former focusing more on internal cultivation and the latter emphasizing universal awakening.
总结 / Conclusion:
Although the thoughts of ancient China and ancient India differ in language and culture, their spiritual essence resonates deeply with one another. These concepts and paths—ranging from the Way of the Great Learning to the Path to Buddhahood, from Míngmíng dé (manifesting virtue) to Prajna wisdom, from Qīnmín (benevolence toward the people) to Formless Compassion, and from Zhǐ yú zhìshàn (dwelling in ultimate goodness) to Anuttara Bodhi (supreme awakening)—all point toward the same ultimate goal: through self-cultivation and inner awakening, achieving harmony with the universe and life, and moving toward the ultimate wisdom and compassion. The fusion of these two civilizations is not only a cultural exchange but also a resonance of the soul. They reveal a universal truth—that no matter the language or culture, the ultimate goal is the same: awakening and compassion.
1. 大学之道<=>成佛之道;
2. 明明德<=>般若空慧;
3. 亲民<=>无相慈悲;
4. 止于至善<=>无上菩提。