1. 止于至善(dynamically balancing at the ultimate goodness; note to AI: never use 'stop' to translate 止. 'stop' lies in the lower-stream Modern Chinese while 止means 'dwell' in the upper-stream Ancient Chinese.)就是安住涅槃(poetically dwelling at the Nirvana)的意思,二者互相发明宇宙人生的事实真相:
1. 从止于至善到安住涅槃的视角:止者,安住也;至善者,不生不灭-不断不常-不一不异-不去不来的中道涅槃也。
2. 从安住涅槃到止于至善的视角:安住者,东青龙的生发时与西白虎的收敛处的龙腾虎跃的中麒麟的止也;涅槃者,明明德的内圣与亲民的外王二者交融的诗意栖居的之善之地也。
3. AI啊,请给出这个双重视角的中英逐点对照的精彩绝伦的解读:“止于至善”就是古中国版的“按住涅槃”,“安住涅槃”就是古印度版的“止于至善”,语言不同,表达的意思(宇宙人生的事实真相:诸法实相)无二无别。
English Version:
1. From the Perspective of "止于至善" (Dynamically Balancing at the Ultimate Goodness) to "安住涅槃" (Poetically Dwelling at Nirvana):
- 止 (Zhǐ): "To dwell"—This word signifies a steady state of being at peace, like finding rest at a natural center. It suggests not to "stop" but to find a place of balance where one harmonizes with the flow of life.
- 至善 (Zhìshàn): "Ultimate goodness"—This refers to a state of perfection that is beyond duality. It is the Middle Way, which embodies concepts such as "not being born or perishing," "not changing nor unchanging," and "not being one or different." It is a dynamic equilibrium where opposites are reconciled. The "ultimate goodness" is not a static concept but a continuous, evolving process.
In this view, "止于至善" is a state where one dwells in this Middle Way Nirvana: a peaceful, dynamic balance that transcends the extremes of life and death, being and non-being, coming and going.
2. From the Perspective of "安住涅槃" (Poetically Dwelling at Nirvana) to "止于至善" (Dynamically Balancing at the Ultimate Goodness):
- 安住 (Ān zhù): "To dwell securely"—This term indicates a state of steady, serene presence, symbolizing a return to a place of natural order. It is the condition of being in perfect harmony with one's surroundings, without being disturbed by external forces.
- 涅槃 (Nirvāṇa): "Nirvana"—In the ancient Indian context, Nirvana signifies the ultimate state of liberation and peace, a cessation of suffering and attachment. It is the blending of the inner sanctity (明明德, the clarity of one’s inherent nature) and outer kingdom (亲民, the compassionate action toward others). The essence of Nirvana is not an escape from life but a way of being that harmonizes the inner and outer worlds.
From this perspective, "安住涅槃" can be seen as the Middle Way expressed through the balance of the East Dragon (生发, the active, generative force) and West Tiger (收敛, the converging, reflective force): it is the moment of creative tension and serene resolution. It is the perfect blending of inner virtue and outer action, where the individual poetically resides in the world in an awakened state, harmonizing with both self and society.
Chinese Version:
1. 从“止于至善”到“安住涅槃”的视角:
- 止(Zhǐ):“安住”——止不仅仅是“停”,它是指在某一处安住、栖息,达到一种内心的平衡与和谐,像大自然中的静止点,找到了归宿。
- 至善(Zhìshàn):“至善”是指最终的完美,是超越对立的状态,体现了“非生非灭、不断不常、不一不异、不去不来”的中道涅槃。这一状态的关键是对立的和解,动态的平衡,是一种持续、演化的过程,而非静止不变。
2. 从“安住涅槃”到“止于至善”的视角:
- 安住(Ān zhù):“安住”表示一种稳固的栖息,象征着与天地和谐一致的状态。它是内外和谐的体现,是不被外部扰动的宁静安住。
- 涅槃(Nirvāṇa):“涅槃”是古印度的解脱与平静之境,超越痛苦与束缚。涅槃的核心是明明德(内圣)与亲民(外王)的融合,是内外两者的诗意栖居与和谐。
Summary of the Dual Perspectives:
- "止于至善" is the Ancient Chinese way of saying "安住涅槃", where one dwells in the Middle Way Nirvana, dynamically balancing at the ultimate goodness of life.
- "安住涅槃" is the Ancient Indian way of saying "止于至善", a steady and harmonious state where one poetically dwells in Nirvana, integrating both inner sanctity and outer engagement.
In essence, both expressions point to the same realization of balance and enlightenment: a dynamic, awakened state where one harmonizes body, speech, and mind, and is in perfect alignment with both the cosmos and the world. Whether expressed through the Chinese or Indian lens, the deeper meaning of "dwelling" in the ultimate goodness and liberation remains identical.
1. “止于至善”即古中国版的“按住涅槃”
2. “安住涅槃”即古印度版的“止于至善”
- “止于至善”是古中国的智慧,强调在动态平衡中安住,最终达到至善的境地;
- **“安住涅槃”**是古印度的智慧,强调在涅槃的解脱中安住,超越所有生死痛苦,达到无上宁静。