
学医629【每个人都是宇宙的独生子】2024-11-24龙间龙时足阳明胃经Grand picture of lives!!!


1. 生命就是一次从宇宙奇异点出发的“一真法界”的长途旅行,

2. 为了盘缠,我们不得不放下身段,到“十法界”中的“四圣法界”的舞台来逢场作戏,

3. 然而,戏演得多了,有的人就分不清戏中角色与演员身份,当然也就忘记了旅人的终极本位。

4. 更糟糕的是,戏演得累坏了,有的人在戏间休息时堕入了一重重的睡梦之中,怎么叫也叫不醒,于是,有的人就一直在各种善恶梦境中玩耍着“六道轮回”的在天堂美梦与地狱恶梦之间不断轮转的把戏;

6. 尤其令人恶心的是,有的人在“三恶道”中干起了蝇营狗苟乃至于伤天害理·谋财害命的勾当,殊不知等着他们的就是“阿鼻地狱”果报!

7. 天来小子曰:生命既不是梦(人生如梦非梦),也不是戏(人生如戏非戏),甚至不是旅(人生如旅非旅),而是一次宇宙之子(每个人都是宇宙的独生子)从宇宙奇异点出发,奉天承运(替天行道)的微服出巡(乔装的佛陀)。微服出巡结束了就回归宇宙奇异点去。其实啊,在整个生命历程中我们从来就没有离开以受精卵为核心的宇宙奇异点的能量流一步。

8. 请给出中英对照的解读本。


Life’s Origin and Journey:

Life is like a long journey starting from the cosmic singularity, traversing through various realms of the "Ten Dharma Realms". In this process, we are a part of the universe, carrying its energy and mission.

Posture and Stage:

In order to gather the "resources" (needed experiences and lessons) for this journey, we must temporarily abandon our true nature and step onto the stage of the "Four Sacred Realms" within the "Ten Dharma Realms", playing various roles like actors.

Lost and Forgotten:

However, after playing the role for too long, some may forget that they are merely actors, unable to distinguish between the role and the actor, and lose sight of their true journey and ultimate purpose.

Ensnared in Dreams and the Cycle of Six Realms:

What’s worse, some fall into deep slumber between acts, unable to wake up, becoming ensnared in the "Cycle of Six Realms", endlessly reincarnating between the dreams of heaven and hell.

Evil Actions and Consequences:

It is particularly revolting that some, trapped in the "Three Evil Realms," engage in base actions, scheming for wealth, hurting others, or causing harm to the world, unaware that they will face the consequences of "Avīci Hell."

A Divine Child Speaks:

The Divine Child says: Life is neither a dream (life is like a dream, but not a dream), nor a play (life is like a play, but not a play), nor a mere journey (life is like a journey, but not just a journey). It is a mission from the cosmos.

Child of the Universe and Heavenly Mandate:

Life is the journey of a child of the universe, each person being the unique child of the cosmos. We embark from the cosmic singularity, carrying a heavenly mandate (acting in accordance with the will of the cosmos), like a disguised Buddha on a divine mission.

Return and Eternal Connection:

After completing our mission, we return to the cosmic singularity. In truth, throughout our entire life journey, we have never truly departed from the energy flow of the cosmic singularity, centered around the fertilized egg.


Interpretation Summary:


This passage describes life as a sacred mission that starts from the cosmic singularity. We are like actors playing different roles in the layers of the "Ten Dharma Realms", undergoing various trials. Yet, the deepest truth is that we have never left the cosmic origin. Ultimately, life is a response to and a return to the cosmic mission. By awakening to this journey, we transcend the limitations of life and death, understanding that all phenomena are simply part of the cosmic flow, and as "children of the universe," we carry higher wisdom and purpose.


1. 生命就是一次从宇宙奇异点出发的“一真法界”的长途旅行,

2. 为了盘缠,我们不得不放下身段,到“十法界”中的“四圣法界”的舞台来逢场作戏,

3. 然而,戏演得多了,有的人就分不清戏中角色与演员身份,当然也就忘记了旅人的终极本位。

4. 更糟糕的是,戏演得累坏了,有的人在戏间休息时堕入了一重重的睡梦之中,怎么叫也叫不醒,于是,有的人就一直在各种善恶梦境中玩耍着“六道轮回”的在天堂美梦与地狱恶梦之间不断轮转的把戏;

6. 尤其令人恶心的是,有的人在“三恶道”中干起了蝇营狗苟乃至于伤天害理·谋财害命的勾当,殊不知等着他们的就是“阿鼻地狱”果报!

7. 天来小子曰:生命既不是梦(人生如梦非梦),也不是戏(人生如戏非戏),甚至不是旅(人生如旅非旅),而是一次宇宙之子(每个人都是宇宙的独生子)从宇宙奇异点出发,奉天承运(替天行道)的微服出巡(乔装的佛陀)。微服出巡结束了就回归宇宙奇异点去。其实啊,在整个生命历程中我们从来就没有离开以受精卵为核心的宇宙奇异点的能量流一步。

8. 请给出中英对照的解读本。

