
We are living in the starry heavens above! 我们就住在头顶的星空里啊!

 1. We are living in the starry heavens above! 我们就住在头顶的星空里啊!

2. See! Look up to the starry heavens above and take it as a big mirror and you will understand immediately that Mother Earth is one of the starry heavens above! 看!仰望头顶的星空,然后把它当作是一个大圆镜,你就会立马明白地球母亲原来就是头顶星空的其中一颗星!

3. Don't get it yet? Then, look up to the starry heavens above again and this time, imagine that you take a spaceship and go out to the outer space. From there, you look back at the mother earth and discover that she is actually in the outer space as well! So, living in the planet earth is no difference as living in the outer space. In other words, universe is our home. 还不明白?那么,再次仰望头顶星空,这一回想象你坐上了宇宙飞船,飞到了外太空,然后回头看一眼地球,你就会发现原来地球就在外太空里面啊!所以,活在地球无异于活在外太空。换句话说,宇宙就是我们的家。

4. So, we understand that starry heavens above is actually the real and unmeasurable universe itself. There is no above nor below, it's the undivided universe we are living in. This is the home of our souls. Or, kingdom of God, if you like to name it as such. 所以,我们明白了头顶的星空其实就是真实而不可测量的完整宇宙。这,就是我们生活在其中的无上无下的完整宇宙。这是我们心灵的家。又,可称之为神的国度,如果你喜欢这么称呼的话。 

