1. All individuals and communities are governed by the moral law within. 一切个人和群体都受到内心的道德律(良心)的约束。
2. Moral Law Within is the law all individuals and communities followed knowingly or unknowingly. 内心的道德律(良心)是一切个人和群体,或有意识,或无意识,不得不遵守的。
3. So, moral law within is not confined in one's mind or heart as it is actually the solid ground of ultimate reality we are walking on it. 所以,内心的道德律(良心)并不局限在一个人的理性或感性的内心世界里,因为它实际上是我们道德实践所依据的坚固的实相大地。
4. Since we understand that we are actually living in the starry heavens above, now we further awake to the fact that we can see moral law within in everywhere we go, in every person we meet. 既然我们领悟到我们实际上是活在头顶的星空,那我们现在要进一步醒悟,事实上,我们可以在所到达的每一个地方,在所遇到的每个人身上,都看到内心的道德律(良心)。