
Teach subjects. Educate people. Self-actualization.

 1. Teaching subjects according to the textbooks and curriculum given. Focus on the knowledge and skillsets. Discipline-centered. Subjects teacher per se. 教书第三位,传授知识和技能的科目教师。以学科为中心。【教书第三位】

2. Educating people with reference to the conscience within. Focus on the character development. People-centricity.  CCE teachers per se. 育人第二位,培养良好品格的德育教师,以品格为中心。【育人第二位】

3. Self-actualization by unfolding the inner beauty of life. Focus on the flourishing lives. Self-directedness. Life coach per se. 自强第一位,开发人性潜能的人生导师,以人性为中心。【自强第一位】

4. teaching subject comes after educating people, educating people comes after self-actualization. self-actualization then educating people, educating people then teaching subject. 教书先育人,育人先自强;自强而后育人,育人而后教书。【崃按:三二一是知,一二三是行;知行合一】

