
To play and enjoy the inner game of learning

 1. Authentic learning experiences is about playing and enjoying the inner game of learning. 真实学习体验就是内心专注投入于学习过程之中所获得的深刻而美好的体验

2. This inner game of learning comprises 3 principles: self-directedness, collaboration and inquisitiveness.真实学习体验的三个原则是:自主、协作和探究。

3. Self-directedness is about ownership of learning. 自主第一:做学习的主人翁。【善导大师:喜忍。在自主学习过程种获得的内心深沉的喜悦感受。孔子所谓“学而时习之,不亦说乎”。】

4. Collaboration is about building learning partnerships with teachers and peers. 协作第二:与教师和同学建立学习伙伴的关系。【善导大师:悟忍。在协作学习过程中获得的由内而外的开悟的快乐感受。孔子所谓“有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎”。——这里的朋友,指的就是“学习伙伴”啊!】

5. Inquisitiveness is about co-construction of knowledge and world with teachers and peers. 探究第三:与教师和同学共同建构知识和世界。【善导大师:信忍。在探究学习过程中获得的内外不二的实践的安定感受。孔子所谓“人不知而不愠,不亦君子乎”。】

