
To fight and win the inner war of discipline

 1. If you really want to flourish in this life, then you have to fight and win the inner war of discipline. 要想活出精彩人生,我们就需要发挥自律精神,向自己宣战,并战胜自己。

2. The inner war of discipline comprises 3 principles: wisdom, love and courage. 自律的内在圣战包含三个原则:智慧、爱心和勇气。

3. Wisdom principle: free your mind from all doubts. 智慧原则:智者不惑的大德:从困惑的牢笼中解放自己,享受思想的自由。

4. Love principle: free your heart from all worries. 爱心原则:仁者不忧的大德:从忧虑的苦海中拯救自己,享受情感的自由。

5. Courage principle: free your gut from all fears. 勇气原则:勇者不惧的大德:从恐惧的黑暗中牵引自己,享受意志的自由。

