
Discussion with GAH after listening to the Dharma Talk by Venerable Amata Gavesi【寻灭禅师1918-2003】 about Ego

GAH: One of the difficulties to overcome in Buddhism is to accept the concept of soulless (selfless, we are nobody). Guess need to attain through meditation, not through rationalization. The impermanent and unsatisfactory nature are easier to accept... It is a long way for me, but it is a peaceful path....

Me: According to the Dharma Talk, the 3 Realities of Life are impermanence 【崃按:说这就是“无常法印”,相信没有人会反对】, unsatisfactory 【崃按:说这与“涅槃法印”相应,恐怕会引起不满、不解、不愿接受。然而,静心而思之,岂非世间万物皆具有此“不能令人满足”的性质,方能驱使吾人在菩提道上勇猛精进,不达“涅槃”不罢休乎?】and soulless【依据一行禅师对“无我法印”的精彩开示,“无我观”并不是一种消极逃避的人生态度,反而是积极进取的无畏精神。所谓“无我”,指的其实是世间万物的“相互依存性”(inter-being; inter-dependence,指的是“没有单个、隔绝的灵魂/自我”,就好比海浪与大海的关系,并没有单个、隔绝的海浪,而只有把所有海浪联系在一起的大海。“无我观”就是打破”单个海浪观“,建立起开阔的“大海观”。生命是一个大海,我们都只是海上的波浪。】 

Me: Soulless is 【无我】in chinese and it refers actually to the inter-dependence 【相互依存性】of life and it actually reminds us not to hold on to the false belief that we have a separated self 【单独的、隔绝的灵魂】, according to Thick Nhat Hanh. — If only we can get rid of the false belief of “separated self/ soul”, then we can link to our Dharma Body which is boundless 【十方三世佛,共同一法身】meaning we are actually sharing the same Dharma Body with all Buddhas

Me: 【无我】是在我们生活的点点滴滴之中可以体验得到的,并不是苦思冥想的东西。要体验【无我】,说难也难,说容易也容易。

Me: to me, it’s not about overcoming anything, but more about letting go (silence of mind) and reconnecting (breaking through in a peaceful mind) instead.

Me: [soulless] refers not only that [we are nobody] but also that [we are everybody], isn’t it so?

