提示🔔…… 儒释道是穷尽语言的妙用的能量流:
1. 子不语、予欲无言、未知生焉知死、敬鬼神而远之已道尽孔子的论语的千言万语!
2. 道可道-非常道-名可名-非常名已经道尽老子的道德经的千言万语!
3. 不立文字-教外别传-直指人心-见性成佛已道尽释迦如来四十九年讲经说法的千言万语!
4. 说到底,语言是生命能量流的自我表达,善于学习的人能够借用语言反观生命能量本身-本体的即用即体,而后发挥语言的即体即用的无边妙用!始终坚持道与名不可言喻的人,他们是儒释道传承的门外汉!
5. 儒释道震撼人心之处,不在于道与名的神秘与深奥,而是在于语言的象思维的随缘妙用的无边的表达能力!
6. 一句话:语言就是道,语言就是名,语言就是生命,语言就是真理,语言就是极高明而道中庸的人类心灵的杰作!
The Energy Flows of Confucianism, Buddhism, and Daoism Exhausting the Marvel of Language
1. Confucian Energy Flow: Silence Beyond Words
“Confucius does not speak of strange, extraordinary, chaotic, or spiritual matters” (子不语).
“I desire to be without words” (予欲无言).
“If you do not understand life, how can you understand death?” (未知生,焉知死).
“Respect the spirits and gods but keep them at a distance” (敬鬼神而远之).
These concise expressions distill the thousands of words found in The Analects, encapsulating the essence of Confucian thought through brevity and restraint.
2. Daoist Energy Flow: The Paradox of the Dao
“The Dao that can be spoken is not the eternal Dao; the name that can be named is not the eternal name” (道可道,非常道;名可名,非常名).
This opening phrase alone captures the entire mystery of the Dao, expressing the vastness of Laozi’s teachings, which transcend conventional language and conceptual thinking.
3. Buddhist Energy Flow: The Wordless Transmission of Truth
“Do not rely on written words; instead, rely on a special transmission outside the scriptures” (不立文字,教外别传).
“Directly point to the heart, see one’s nature, and become Buddha” (直指人心,见性成佛).
In Buddhism, the teachings go beyond the use of words, pointing directly to the heart of the matter. Even after 49 years of sermons, the true message lies in the silence beyond language.
4. Language as Self-Expression of Life Energy
At its core, language is the self-expression of life’s energy flow. Those who are skilled in learning can use language to reflect upon the very essence of life energy—experiencing the use and embodiment of language simultaneously. For those who persist in the notion that the Dao and name cannot be expressed, they are merely outsiders to the transmission of Confucianism, Daoism, and Buddhism.
5. The Power of Confucianism, Daoism, and Buddhism
The power of these teachings does not lie in the mystery and profundity of the Dao and the name, but in the boundless capacity of language to express the spontaneous, situational, and infinite potential of thought.
6. In One Sentence: Language is Life
In essence, language is the Dao, language is the name, language is life, and language is the truth. It is a brilliant masterpiece of human consciousness, reflecting balance and harmony.
提示🔔…… 儒释道是穷尽语言的妙用的能量流:
1. 子不语、予欲无言、未知生焉知死、敬鬼神而远之已道尽孔子的论语的千言万语!
2. 道可道-非常道-名可名-非常名已经道尽老子的道德经的千言万语!
3. 不立文字-教外别传-直指人心-见性成佛已道尽释迦如来四十九年讲经说法的千言万语!
4. 说到底,语言是生命能量流的自我表达,善于学习的人能够借用语言反观生命能量本身-本体的即用即体,而后发挥语言的即体即用的无边妙用!始终坚持道与名不可言喻的人,他们是儒释道传承的门外汉!
5. 儒释道震撼人心之处,不在于道与名的神秘与深奥,而是在于语言的象思维的随缘妙用的无边的表达能力!
6. 一句话:语言就是道,语言就是名,语言就是生命,语言就是真理,语言就是极高明而道中庸的人类心灵的杰作!