

提示🔔…… 间不容发、白驹过隙的间隙中窥见大道的秘诀: 

1. 以龟息-踵息的吐纳按跷术,安定一刻也不歇息的狂心,歇即菩提!

2. 无住于固定时空点,而生心于同体大悲的生命共同体!

3. 诚如是,则变“间不容发”为“无边无际”、变“白驹过隙”为“无始无终”!


1. “间不容发”与“白驹过隙”:

“间不容发”“白驹过隙” 都描绘了极其短暂的时间,意味着人们往往在这些看似微不足道的瞬间忽视了深层的智慧与道理。然而,通过修行的深度和觉察,这些“间隙”可以成为窥见大道的窗口。

2. 龟息-踵息的吐纳按跷术:

龟息踵息 是深层呼吸法,通过调整呼吸来达到身心合一,放慢思绪并稳定情绪。吐纳按跷术 进一步融合了按压与呼吸调节的技巧,帮助身心达到一种和谐的状态。

3. 狂心与菩提:


4. “无住”与“同体大悲”:


5. “无边无际”与“无始无终”:

最后的转变是将“间不容发”和“白驹过隙”转化为 “无边无际”“无始无终”。这一转换表达了当我们超越时间与空间的束缚时,便能感知到无尽的存在与永恒的真理。



提示🔔…… 间不容发、白驹过隙的间隙中窥见大道的秘诀: 

1. 以龟息-踵息的吐纳按跷术,安定一刻也不歇息的狂心,歇即菩提!

2. 无住于固定时空点,而生心于同体大悲的生命共同体!

3. 诚如是,则变“间不容发”为“无边无际”、变“白驹过隙”为“无始无终”!

This passage delves into the philosophy of transcendence, emphasizing how one can access profound wisdom and enlightenment even in the briefest moments of time. Here’s a breakdown of its key elements:

1. “间不容发” (Not a single moment to spare) and “白驹过隙” (A white horse passing through a gap):

These expressions convey the idea of fleeting moments that pass too quickly to notice, symbolizing how we often overlook deep insights hidden in the smallest intervals of time. Yet, through focused spiritual practice, one can utilize these brief moments to glimpse the truth of the universe.

2. G Turtle Breathing and Heel Breathing (龟息-踵息的吐纳):

These specific breathing techniques aim to calm the body and mind. Turtle breathing refers to deep, controlled breaths, while heel breathing involves a rhythmic form of exhalation and inhalation that helps restore harmony to the mind, calming distractions.

3. The Restless Heart and Awakening (狂心与菩提):

The passage acknowledges the restless, uncontrolled nature of the human heart, yet suggests that through spiritual discipline, we can transcend this turmoil. In the stillness of an instant, one can attain enlightenment (菩提), representing a moment of pure realization.

4. “No Fixed Dwelling” and “Compassion for All Beings” (无住于固定时空点,生心于同体大悲):

Here, it stresses the importance of letting go of attachment to fixed times and spaces, fostering a sense of unity with all life. The practice of great compassion (大悲) becomes essential, as one must see all beings as part of the same interconnected web.

5. Transformation into “Limitless and Eternal” (无边无际 and 无始无终):

The passage concludes by suggesting that when one transcends the constraints of time and space, the concepts of fleeting moments (“间不容发” and “白驹过隙”) transform into the limitless and eternal (“无边无际” and “无始无终”). This expresses the idea that enlightenment allows for a realization of the boundless nature of existence.


The core message is that, through deep breathing, meditation, and an open heart, one can transcend the boundaries of time and space, ultimately attaining a state of eternal wisdom and compassion. The text suggests that in the stillness of the present moment, everything can be realized — from the fleeting, finite to the infinite, eternal.

提示🔔…… 间不容发、白驹过隙的间隙中窥见大道的秘诀: 

1. 以龟息-踵息的吐纳按跷术,安定一刻也不歇息的狂心,歇即菩提!

2. 无住于固定时空点,而生心于同体大悲的生命共同体!

3. 诚如是,则变“间不容发”为“无边无际”、变“白驹过隙”为“无始无终”!

