


0. 天来小子赞叹曰: 

1. 古往今来无非学,大觉不老东青龙; 上下四方尽皆行,大止不病西白虎。 

2. 至大无外天外天, 涅槃不死南朱雀;至小无内心内心, 菩提不生北玄武。

3. 后天八卦洛书数,十二经脉四象流;四象流注中宫住,无住生心一气贯。

4. 一气源自大爆炸,宇宙能量万物吼;吼声震天雷动地,返闻自性觉悟人。

Post-Heaven Bagua, Lo Shu Nine Palaces, and the Energy Flow of Human Life’s Birth-Old Age-Sickness-Death Cycle in the Universe

1. Birthless Birth: North Black Tortoise (Heaven Trigram, Water Trigram)

Beginning of Life at Heaven Trigram during the Start of Winter: The Heaven Trigram (Qian) represents six metals, symbolizing the primal energy of the cosmos. Here, the Lung Meridian of Hand Taiyin governs the body’s qi, marking the commencement of life. This is where the invisible takes form, where the imperceptible becomes tangible.

Winter Solstice, Water Trigram: The Water Trigram (Kan) represents one water, corresponding to the Bladder Meridian of Foot Taiyang and Kidney Meridian of Foot Shaoyin. It signifies the nurturing and nourishing power of water. In this phase, the energy is stored, preparing for the sprouting of new life.

2. Ageless Aging: East Azure Dragon (Mountain Trigram, Thunder Trigram)

Spring Emergence, Mountain Trigram (Start of Spring): The Mountain Trigram (Gen), symbolized by eight earth, represents the storage of energy. The Stomach Meridian of Foot Yangming and Spleen Meridian of Foot Taiyin are involved in digestion and absorption, which is the source of growing energy. The Gen trigram is still and calm, representing the accumulation of vitality ready for release.

Spring Equinox, Thunder Trigram: The Thunder Trigram (Zhen), represented by three wood, is the symbol of thunder and awakening. The Gallbladder Meridian of Foot Shaoyang is responsible for decision-making, indicating the surge of new energy that erupts from within, vibrant and full of life.

3. Sicknessless Sickness: South Vermilion Bird (Wind Trigram, Fire Trigram)

Summer Growth, Wind Trigram (Start of Summer): The Wind Trigram (Xun), represented by four wood, signifies the expansion of life energy. Here, the Liver Meridian of Foot Jueyin manages the dispersion and regulation of qi and blood. Although this stage may appear as illness due to overactivity, it is actually a self-adjusting and repairing process during peak vitality.

Summer Solstice, Fire Trigram: The Fire Trigram (Li), symbolized by nine fire, is the sign of peak heat. The Heart Meridian of Hand Shaoyin and Small Intestine Meridian of Hand Taiyang govern the heart fire and digestion, marking the peak of bodily energy. While it may show signs of illness, internally, it’s a process of detoxification and purification.

4. Deathless Death: West White Tiger (Earth Trigram, Lake Trigram)

Autumn Contraction, Earth Trigram (Start of Autumn): The Earth Trigram (Kun), represented by two earth, signifies the return of all energies to the mother earth. The Pericardium Meridian of Hand Jueyin and Triple Burner Meridian of Hand Shaoyang regulate the circulation of qi and blood, symbolizing energy returning to its source, not as an end but as a transformation.

Autumn Equinox, Lake Trigram: The Lake Trigram (Dui), represented by seven metal, involves the Large Intestine Meridian of Hand Yangming, which governs excretion. This phase symbolizes the final purification of the body, preparing for a new cycle, a death that is actually a precursor to rebirth.

Eternal Flow of Four Symbols Anchored in Central Yellow Emperor Earth

The Central Yellow Emperor Earth acts as the balancing hub of the eternal cycle of four symbols (Azure Dragon, White Tiger, Vermilion Bird, Black Tortoise). The Tai Chi particle nature and Wu Ji wave nature embody the dual wave-particle reality of existence. Every heartbeat and breath reflects the oscillation between particle and wave, signifying living as a divine being in the present.

Reflection by the Heavenly Child:

“Throughout history, nothing but learning; great enlightenment is the ageless Azure Dragon.”

The universe’s evolution and human life journey are processes of constant learning and enlightenment. A great enlightened being is ever-vibrant like the Azure Dragon, transcending time and remaining eternally youthful.

“Up and down, in all directions, all flows; great stillness is the sicknessless White Tiger.”

The flow of energy in all directions illustrates the cycle of life. The White Tiger, while representing stillness and death, reaches the state of great stillness, embodying health without sickness as the peak state of life energy.

“Boundless above, beyond heaven; nirvana is the deathless Vermilion Bird.”

The realm of enlightenment is infinite, surpassing all physical boundaries. The Vermilion Bird symbolizes nirvana, where life at its peak transforms into the formless, achieving a state of undying energy.

“Smallest within, deeper than the heart; bodhi is the birthless Black Tortoise.”

The journey inward reveals the smallest core, beyond the physical heart. The Black Tortoise symbolizes bodhi, the state of enlightenment from where all life energy begins its journey from the unmanifested.

The Cosmic Origin of One Qi Flow:

“Post-Heaven Bagua and Lo Shu numbers, twelve meridians of the four symbols flow; the flow of four symbols resides in the central palace, no abode yet the heart generates one qi stream.”

The Lo Shu numbers and twelve meridians create the energy flow of the four symbols, merging at the center, the Yellow Emperor Earth. With no fixed abode, the mind generates a single stream of qi, symbolizing the unity of cosmic energy and human life breath.

“The one qi stems from the Big Bang, cosmic energy roars into all beings.”

The concept of “one qi” aligns with the Big Bang in modern cosmology, where all beings emerged from a single burst of cosmic energy.

“The roar shakes the heavens, thunder rolls across the earth; returning to self-awareness, an enlightened human.”

The roaring sound of creation represents the birth of cosmic energy, shaking the universe. By returning to self-awareness, a person awakens to the truth of their nature, realizing their union with the cosmos.

Conclusion and Inspiration

This profound text fuses the traditional wisdom of Eastern philosophy, like Post-Heaven Bagua and Lo Shu Nine Palaces, with modern cosmological concepts. It provides a fresh perspective on life, energy, and enlightenment, illustrating the entire journey of life from birth to enlightenment as a complete cosmic experience.

To live fully in the present, attuned to the universe, is not just the realm of the “immortals” but a state of wisdom that every conscious being can practice daily—dancing with the cosmos and living in harmony with the universe!


0. 天来小子赞叹曰: 

1. 古往今来无非学,大觉不老东青龙; 上下四方尽皆行,大止不病西白虎。 

2. 至大无外天外天, 涅槃不死南朱雀;至小无内心内心, 菩提不生北玄武。

3. 后天八卦洛书数,十二经脉四象流;四象流注中宫住,无住生心一气贯。

4. 一气源自大爆炸,宇宙能量万物吼;吼声震天雷动地,返闻自性觉悟人。




1. 不生的生:北玄武(乾卦、坎卦)



2. 不老的老:东青龙(艮卦、震卦)



3. 不病的病:南朱雀(巽卦、离卦)



4. 不死的死:西白虎(坤卦、兑卦)









1. 古往今来无非学,大觉不老东青龙


2. 上下四方尽皆行,大止不病西白虎


3. 至大无外天外天,涅槃不死南朱雀


4. 至小无内心内心,菩提不生北玄武













0. 天来小子赞叹曰: 

1. 古往今来无非学,大觉不老东青龙; 上下四方尽皆行,大止不病西白虎。 

2. 至大无外天外天, 涅槃不死南朱雀;至小无内心内心, 菩提不生北玄武。

3. 后天八卦洛书数,十二经脉四象流;四象流注中宫住,无住生心一气贯。

4. 一气源自大爆炸,宇宙能量万物吼;吼声震天雷动地,返闻自性觉悟人。

