Mental exercise version 1 [created on 4/4/22]
2. Down: Calm yourself down to the bottom of your heart. It’s so beautiful!
3. In: Invite yourself in to the core of the atom. It’s so amazing!
4. Out: Ushering yourself out to the border of the measurable universe. It’s so wholesome!
My mental exercise version 2 [updated on 5/4/22]
1. Up: Raise yourself up to the top of your mind. It’s so abundant!
2. Down: Calm yourself down to the bottom of your heart. It’s so beautiful!
3. In: Invite yourself in to the core of the body (细胞核里的原子核). It’s so amazing!
4. Out: Usher yourself out to the border of the soul (可测量宇宙之外的不可测量宇宙). It’s so wholesome!