1. 国民教育的四个核心活动日期【2月·4月·7月·8月】 National Education comprises four core annual events – Total Defence Day, International Friendship Day, Racial Harmony Day and National Day.
2. 全面防卫日的核心活动【2月15日;缘起1942年的日本侵略】Total Defence Day is held on 15 February each year to commemorate the fall of Singapore to the Japanese in 1942. On this day, activities held in school serve to remind pupils that Singapore can be defended and is worth defending, and that Singaporeans themselves are responsible for the defence of Singapore. 【崃按:2019年开始,全面防卫在“国防”、“民防”、“经济防卫”、“社会防卫”和“心理防卫”五大支柱的基础上,增添了“数码防卫”第六个支柱。】
3. 国际友谊日的核心活动【第2学段的第3个星期五;2022年是4月8日;缘起1958年的人类觉醒】International Friendship Day is celebrated in schools on the third Friday of Term Two. This is a day dedicated to the understanding of Singapore's relations with its neighbours, and aims to nurture in students the spirit of friendship and collaboration among different people. 【崃按:联合国到2011年才宣布7月30日是“国际友谊日”,但是新加坡的学校远在1997年开始,就在4月初旬庆祝国际友谊日了。】
4. 种族和谐日的核心活动【7月21日;缘起1964年的种族暴动】Racial Harmony Day, which is commemorated on 21 July, marks the race riots that broke out in Singapore on this day in 1964, reminding students that social division weakens society, and that race and religion will always be potential fault-lines in Singapore’s society. It is a day for students to reflect on and celebrate the nation’s success as a harmonious society, built on cultural diversity.
5. 国庆日的核心活动【8月9日;缘起1965年独立】National Day on 9 August celebrates Singapore’s independence from Malaysia and its emergence as a sovereign nation.