

 1. 耳聪:启动心灵的耳朵!不但用耳朵来听,而且用爱心来听,爱心是人的第三只耳朵,让人可以听到天地万物灵魂深处的声音。Not only listen with your ears, but also listen with your heart. Your heart is your third ear. Activate your heart's ear to listen! (note: wisdom of Stephen R Covey, author of 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.)

2. 目明:睁开心灵的眼睛!不但用眼睛来看,而且用智慧来看,智慧是人的第三只眼睛,让人可以看到天地万物内心世界的美好。Not only see with your eyes, but also see with your mind. Your mind is your third eye. Open your mind's eye to see! (note: same as above.)

3. 行无妨:迈开心灵的脚步!不但用脚来走路,而且用正气来走路,正气是人的神足,让人可以自由巡视天地万物共同的美好家园——真实而不可测量的宇宙(the real and unmeasurable universe.)。(note: this is created by me with both the inspirations of the above and my own authentic living experiences.) 【崃按:今天形成的“行无妨”灵感很有趣!行无妨,指的是“无碍之行”。想想,如果是失聪的聋子、失明的瞎子,他们的行动肯定是很不自由的,妨碍多多的。反过来,心灵上耳聪目明的人,当然就可以享受百分之百的行动自由。】

