

1. 关怀自己:Care to find out “who am I “ by raising yourself up to the top of your mind. Mental skills development of wisdom. 智者不惑: Be wise to free your mind from all doubts by seeing what type of person you are and rise up and never be the same again.

2. 联系人群:Connect to individuals and communities by calming yourself down to the bottom of your heart. Mental skills development of loving kindness and compassion. 仁者不忧: Be kind and free your heart from all worries by building heart-to-heart relationships with individuals and people.

3. 贡献世界:Contribute to the world and universe by freeing yourself to the ultimate dimension of your life. Mental skills development of courage. 勇者不惧: Be brave to free your life from all fears by creating a brave space for yourself and others. Be the change you wat to see in the world.

