1. 【好奇探索第一】Wondering: What are you curious about here? 满怀好奇:这到底是怎么一回事?
2. 【描述所见第二】Describe what’s there: What do you see and notice? 描述所见:你看到和注意到什么?
3. 【解释所见第三】Build explanations: What’s really going on here? 解释所见:到底发生了什么事?
4. 【由表及里第四】Uncovering Complexity: What lies beneath the surface of this? 探索隐含信息:在这个表面的底下是什么东西?
5. 【由此及彼第五】Make Connections: How does this fix what you already know? 寻找联系点:这个东西跟我已经知道的怎么接通起来?
6. 【论之有据第六】Reason with Evidence: Why do you think so? 论之有据:我根据什么这样想?
7. 【不同视角第七】Consider Different Viewpoints: What’s another angle on this? 考虑不同视角:看待这个东西的另一个角度是什么?
8. 【画龙点睛第八】Capture the heart and form conclusions: What’s at the core or centre of this? 画龙点睛:此事的核心或中心是什么?