

 0. 心灯亮:沟·通

1. 沟:沟则不通,不通所以痛!【崃按:三途六道,轮回沟中陷泥淖(读音“闹”)。——《红楼梦》:质本洁来还洁去,强于污淖陷渠沟。】

2. 通:通则不痛,不痛所以安。【崃按:至诚感通,诸佛菩萨住净土。——中医心灯:痛则不通,通则不痛。】

3. 沟通:须在人与人之间的心灵鸿沟,建立起让彼此通行无阻的心灵大桥。[沟 is gap。通 is access。In order to have access to the other party at the other side of the gap, we need to bridge the gap. 沟通 means gap-bridging. Wow! So there will be no generation gaps of both the parents and children are willing to bridge the gap. How stupid is it to belive in generation gap  and avoid communicating to  each other and turn parents and children into strangers, or even worse, into enemies. ]

