

0. 华人文化心灯传承:心灵的生物学、物理学与化学

1. 心灵自性的物理学:形而上的本体的性天;致其自性弥陀【无生老母法身佛】之知 meta-physical entity which can be descibed as the Singularity Point of the universe as suggested by the Big Bang Theory.

2. 心灵自心的化学:形而下的作用的心地;格其唯心净土【自心上帝报身佛】之物 spiritual space open up by the abovementioned Singularity Point. 

3. 心灵自身的生物学:贯通上下的大人心性;诚其自身心性【自身大人化身佛的各种人生角色】之意 the Undivided Life of soul-heart-mind-body of an enlighted person which is a Whole Person. We can describe a Whole Person as Head in Clouds and Feet on Ground, who connects with the meta-physical God and gains connectivity with all sentient beings. 

