
Four noble truths 四圣谛:苦集灭道

0. the truth of suffering(苦谛;世间苦果;有为法), the truth of the cause of suffering(集谛;世间苦因;有为法), the truth of the end of suffering(灭谛;出世间苦果;无为法), and the truth of the path that leads to the end of suffering(道谛;出世间苦果;无为法)——崃按:四圣谛包含“世出世间双重因果”。 More simply put it......
1. suffering exists(苦谛)三转法轮·三句义:
1.1 【示相转】此是苦,逼迫性(this is the unbearable suffering which push us to the corner of the life and leave us no space to enjoy ourselves, no matter what we are doing.)
1.2 【劝修转】此是苦,汝应知(this is the unbearable suffering you should understand fully and see deeply what it has brought disacters to your life.)
1.3 【自证转】此是苦,我已知(this the unbearable suffering I has already unstood fully and see deeply what it has brought disasters to my life.)

2. it has a cause(集谛)三转法轮·三句义:
2.1 【示相转】此是集,招感性(this is the non-stop gathering which brings forth all the unfortune and sufferings to us.)
2.2 【劝修转】此是集,汝应断(this is the non-stop gathing you have to cut off with immediately effect.)
2.3 【自证转】此是集,我已断(this is the non-stop gathing I have cut off successfully.)

3. it has an end(灭谛) 三转法轮·三句义:
3.1 【示相转】此是灭,可证性(this is the peaceful nirvana which can be testified through self-cultivation.)
3.2 【劝修转】此是灭,汝应证(this is the peaceful nirvana you should testified through self-cultivated.)
3.3 【自证转】此是灭,我已证(this is the peaceful nirvana I have testified through self-cultivated.)

4. it has a cause to bring about its end(道谛)三转法轮·三句义:
4.1 【示相转】此是道,可修性(this is the great path which can be discovered through self-correction.)
4.2 【劝修转】此是道,汝应修(this is the great path you should discover through self-correction.)
4.3 【自证转】此是道,我已修(this is the great path I have discovered through self-correction.)

