

0. 六七因中转:不起心圆融,不动念妙观。不起心=不起分别心=转第七末那识为平等性智;不动念=不动执着念=转第六意识为妙观察智。反之,起心=分别=困于十法界;动念=执着=困于六道。【注解:阿罗汉不动念而出六道;菩萨不起心而出十法界;佛陀无妄想而出一真法界。又,三贤位菩萨修“不动念”而登初地,十地大圣修“不起心”而入涅槃。】

1. 中丹田:元气【不起心,以接通慈悲心的能量,获得平等性智的真实利益】to unlock the energy of loving and compassionate heart: 不起心:不分别:次第不碍圆融:to heal our hearts ==> to unlock our energy of unconditional love of unbroken hearts. Broken hearts causes gaps between people; whereas, unbroken hearts with love bridge up all the gaps. 中丹田的嗔恨的心善于切割、划分敌我,并且上升到上丹田去绑架大脑。不起心,转第七末那识为平等性智。

2. 上丹田:元神【不动念,才能打开般若之眼的视野,获得妙观察智的真实利益】 to unblock the vision of reflective mind: 不动念:不执著:圆融不碍次第:to change our minds ==> to unblock our vision of reflective wisdom of refined minds ==>to transform our mind from fixed mindset into growth mindset. Fixed mindset holds tightly to the fixed ideas and thinks that only himself is right while others are wrong; whereas, growth mindset lets the ideas flow like a strem in a happy forest. 大脑被嗔恨绑架之后,思想固定僵化,只能够为嗔恨服务。不动念,转第六意识为妙观察智。

3. 下丹田:元精。般若的元神与慈悲的元气,二者同源,同源于元精。元神打通形上下(空间),元气激活先后天(时间),元精启动内外在(时空交汇点)。

