1. 悟:三心(竖心旁的“点、竖、点”三个笔画表法)+ 五口(吾字表法) 。
2. 悟= 内心(六七八识)、外身(一二三四五识)。
3. 悟=身心同源,同源于“三位一体”的“悟”。
4. “三位”之一:悟空(空如来藏的般若空慧; the topless mind of sunyata wisdom);
5. “三位”之二:悟空悟能(不空如来藏的无相慈悲; the bottomless heart of unconditional love);
6. “三位”之三:悟空悟净(空不空如来藏的菩提本源; the boundless soule of deathless courage.);
7. “一体”是“悟人”(your life partner is actually your body which you have neglected for so long. You have long forgotten that your body is the gift of the universe which you need to unpack it through self-cultivation and self-correction. Remember your body is the root and source of everything you do in your life. Please take good care of your body and your body will unfold the glory and wonder of life to you.)