
The 5 Mindfulness Trainings

  1. Reverence For Life 敬畏生命– Awareness of suffering caused by the destruction of life and learning ways to protect the lives of people, animals, plants and minerals.
  2. True Happiness离苦得乐 – Practicing generosity in thinking, speaking and acting to reduce suffering and stop contributing to climate change. Realising that running after wealth, fame, and power brings despair.
  3. True Love 真爱在行动—Cultivating responsibility and learning ways to protect the safety and integrity of individuals, couples, families, and society.
  4. Loving Speech and Deep Listening 爱语摄与反闻自性– Cultivating compassionate listening and loving speech to relieve suffering, and inspire confidence, joy, and hope.
  5. Nourishment and Healing滋养和疗愈生命 – Awareness of the suffering caused by unmindful consumption. Consuming in a way that preserves peace, joy and wellbeing.

