

1. 在压力山大的忙碌之中,我们弄瞎了自己!In the midst of business , we blind ourselves!

2. 在盲目的无尽黑暗之中,我们满怀恐惧地横冲直撞,终于撞进了阿鼻地狱里!In the midst of darkness, we go all out to get ourselves to end up with the hell of Avici!

3. 如今,坐在阿鼻地狱里的当下,正是我们痛定思痛、改过自新的大好机会!Here and now, it’s the golden opportunity for us to break the hell of Avici so as to save ourselves and others!

4. 看!地藏菩萨向我们走过来了!地藏菩萨就是我们,我们就是地藏菩萨啊!Can you see that Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva is walking towards us!

5. 而且,地藏菩萨身后,还跟着:“三世佛母”的文殊菩萨、“诸佛如来之长子”的普贤菩萨、“众生父母”的观音菩萨啊!Furthermore, the other three bodhisattvas are following the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva in the sequence of Manjushri Bodhisattva of wisdom, Samantabhadra Bodhisattva of courageous act and Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva of loving kindness and compassion. 

6. 是的,四大菩萨的顺序就是我们学佛历程的次第:一、发地藏菩萨的大愿,是为“信”的次第;二、养文殊菩萨的大智,是为“解”的次第;三、修普贤菩萨的大行,是为“行”的次第;四、证观音菩萨的大道,是为“证”的次第。总之,佛道无他,就是观音菩萨的慈悲之道而已;然而,没有前面的三个次第,慈悲之道也只是口惠而实不至的空谈和概念游戏而已!

