
affirming oneself in the theta state of mind在西塔波的禅定状态中证得真我

affirming oneself in the theta state of mind在θ西塔波的禅定状态中证得真我 1. getting oneself to connect with the theta state of mind through meditation.通过慎独的修养功夫,让自己进入西塔波的状态【从“平天下”一步步后退,退到“致知在格物”,已经是退无可退了】 2. discovering oneself in the gamma state of mind 在γ伽马波的状态中证得真我【在“自我实现”的“高峰体验”中,心灵接通“物自身”的形而上的终极维度空间,“物格而后知致”,一下子石破天惊,豁然开朗,得无所得,喜不自胜】 3. actualizing oneself in the synchronization of all 5 states of mind (namely δdelta state, θtheta state, αalpha state, βbeta state and γgamma state) 全身心同时共步,达到个体生命价值的最大化。

