• 朱熹(宋代)是理学的代表人物之一,他继承并发展了荀子的思想。荀子主张“性恶论”,认为人类天性偏向恶,需要通过教育和努力来改正。而朱熹则把这一思想与儒家经典结合,强调理性、道德和礼仪的重要性,提出了“格物致知”的理念,认为通过了解自然和社会的规律,可以达到内心的道德修养。
• 王阳明(明代)则代表了与孟子思想相似的另一种理学方向。孟子提倡“性善论”,认为人性本善,主张通过内在的良知来导引行为。王阳明在继承孟子思想的基础上,提出了“心即理”的观念,认为人心本身就是宇宙的法则和道德的源泉,强调“知行合一”的实践,认为真正的知晓来自于内心的体验和行动。
Indeed, the two key figures in Song-Ming Confucianism, Zhu Xi and Wang Yangming, can be seen as the later counterparts of Xunzi and Mencius in the post-Qin period, forming a sort of “Gemini” duo.
• Zhu Xi (Song Dynasty) is one of the representative figures of Confucian Neo-Confucianism. He inherited and developed Xunzi’s thought. Xunzi advocated the idea of “human nature is evil,” suggesting that humans are born with tendencies toward negativity and require education and effort to cultivate virtue. Zhu Xi, building on this, integrated Confucian classics, emphasizing the importance of reason, morality, and ritual, and proposed the idea of “gewu zhizhi” (investigating things and extending knowledge) — asserting that through understanding the principles of nature and society, one can attain moral self-cultivation.
• Wang Yangming (Ming Dynasty), on the other hand, represented a line of Confucian thought more aligned with Mencius, advocating the idea that “human nature is good.” Mencius believed that humans are innately good and emphasized the role of the “heart” or “mind” in cultivating virtue. Wang Yangming developed the idea of “the mind is principle” (心即理), asserting that the human heart itself embodies the principles of the universe and morality. He emphasized “unity of knowledge and action” (知行合一), believing that true knowledge arises from personal experience and action.
These two philosophers, in their respective eras, can be seen as the modern-day heirs to Xunzi and Mencius. They each constructed a philosophical system in Confucianism through different approaches, and they became key figures in shaping Song-Ming Confucianism. Therefore, they can be viewed as the “Gemini” of the Song and Ming Dynasties’ Confucianism, representing two complementary yet contrasting strands of Pre-Qin Confucian thought.