

Prompt 散文诗人体宇宙的全息图。一日看一生:1. 长生如破晓。2. 沐浴如春风。3. 冠带如春分。4. 临官如立夏。5. 帝旺如夏至。6. 则日偏西。7. 因阴气郁。8. 则归坤卦。9. 则深睡眠。10. 处逢生矣。11.则回阳焉。12. 则阳气。天来小子大笑之,骑马笑看十二花;花开花谢循天理,天理良心岂无常?

ChatGPT 散文诗《人体宇宙全息图》


1. 长生如破晓 —— 晨光初露,生机勃发,气象新开。
2. 沐浴如春风 —— 洗尽铅华,温润滋养,万物欣欣。
3. 冠带如春分 —— 阴阳和畅,少壮初成,意气风发。
4. 临官如立夏 —— 血气方刚,志在千里,威风凛凛。
5. 帝旺如夏至 —— 阳极盛焉,光芒万丈,万物鼎盛。
6. 则日偏西 —— 夕阳西下,渐归宁静,光华内敛。
7. 因阴气郁 —— 阴胜阳衰,郁而不舒,滞则生疾。
8. 则归坤卦 —— 形归大地,息入太虚,寂而不灭。
9. 则深睡眠 —— 休养生息,藏锋蓄锐,静待新机。
10. 处逢生矣 —— 至阴而阳,物极必反,循环不息。
11. 则回阳焉 —— 一阳初动,生机再起,重归太和。
12. 则阳气升 —— 阴阳调和,气血畅达,生生不已。



Prose Poem “Holographic Map of the Human Universe”

Tianlai the Wanderer laughs atop his horse,
Gazing upon life’s cycle in a single day.

1. Birth is like the break of dawn — Light emerges, vitality awakens, the world begins anew.
2. Bathing is like the spring breeze — Washing away the past, nourishing the present, all things flourish.
3. Youth is like the Spring Equinox — Yin and Yang in harmony, strength rises, ambitions take flight.
4. Prime is like the beginning of summer — Blood runs hot, the heart soars, courage knows no bounds.
5. Zenith is like the Summer Solstice — Yang reaches its peak, radiance fills the world, life is at its fullest.
6. Decline is like the sun drifting west — Shadows grow long, energy withdraws, wisdom deepens.
7. Illness comes as Yin stagnates — When flow is blocked, imbalance grows, ailments arise.
8. Death returns to the Earth Trigram — The body dissolves, the breath fades, silence embraces all.
9. The tomb is like deep sleep — A time of rest, retreat, and renewal, waiting for rebirth.
10. From the abyss, life emerges again — Extreme Yin gives birth to Yang, the cycle turns once more.
11. The womb restores the rising Yang — A spark of life stirs, new beginnings take root.
12. Nurturing builds the energy of Yang — Balance is restored, breath flows freely, life thrives again.

Tianlai the Wanderer roars with laughter,
Riding through fields of twelve blooming flowers.
Flowers bloom, flowers fall—this is the rhythm of Heaven.
Where is impermanence when the Dao remains?
Heaven’s law, the heart’s truth—life and death move freely,
In the dance of gathering and dispersing, eternity abides.

