
学医737【大学之道的三纲八目能量流】2024-11-27虎肺 brilliant!!!

提示🔔…… 大学之道的修身为本的三部曲-六波澜-八重奏的能量流:

1. 大学之道能量流: 大则上下四方、往古来今的宇宙能量流,学则三人行必有我师的见贤思齐、见不贤而内自省也的反求诸己的能量流,之则如字形的一点浩然气、千里快哉风的能量流,道则在没有路的地方走出一条路来的能量流。

2. 修身为本的能量流:修则解南朱雀的月窟时的物蔽以致知在格物而物格知致的能量流,身则破北玄武的天根处的气拘以识得人性激活的天命的大人能量流,为则克己复礼为仁的能量流,本则天下之大本的中道能量流。

3. 三纲领的三部曲的能量流:明德既明的物格-知致-意诚-心正的内圣能量流,民已亲的身修-家齐-国治-天下平的外王能量流,至善中麒麟诗意地栖止在联通五方上帝五方土的中央黄帝土的波粒二象性的能量流。

4. 六波澜的能量流:知止的诗意地栖息于大地的持戒净严的第一层能量波澜,有定的泰山崩于前而色不变、麋鹿兴于侧而目不瞬的第二层能量波澜,能静的于无声处听惊雷的第三层能量波澜,能安的安稳不动如大地的第四层能量波澜,能虑的静虑深密如秘藏的第五层能量波澜,能得的得无上佛果的第六层能量波澜。

5. 八条目的八重奏能量流:平天下-治国-齐家-修身-正心-诚意-致知-格物的以六个“先”字为标志的退六步的反求诸己的内圣能量流,物格-知致-意诚-心正-身修-家齐-国治-天下平的以七个“后”字为标志的进七步的推己及人的外王能量流。


1. 大学之道的能量流




道(The Way):在没有路的地方走出一条路,创造性的能量如破冰前行。

2. 修身为本的能量流


身(The Body):破开北玄武的天根之拘,激活人性与天命的能量,展现大人的气象。



3. 三纲领的三部曲能量流




4. 六波澜的能量流

1. 知止的第一波澜:诗意地栖居于大地,持戒净严的能量波。

2. 有定的第二波澜:泰山崩于前而色不变,内心如磐石般稳固的能量波。

3. 能静的第三波澜:于无声处听惊雷,静中生慧的能量波。

4. 能安的第四波澜:如大地般安稳不动,承载万物的能量波。

5. 能虑的第五波澜:静虑深密,洞见本质的能量波。

6. 能得的第六波澜:得无上佛果,超越世间的圆满能量波。

5. 八条目的八重奏能量流





English Version: The Energy Flow of Da Xue Zhi Dao: Threefold Symphony, Six Waves, and Eightfold Harmony

1. The Energy Flow of Da Xue Zhi Dao (The Great Learning):

Greatness: Expansive as the cosmos, encompassing all directions and spanning past and future, manifesting infinite cosmic energy.

Learning: Through self-reflection and seeking wisdom from others, it embodies the energy of inward exploration and self-improvement.

Pursuit: The character “之” symbolizes a righteous spirit and boundless joy, flowing with resolute and liberating energy.

The Way: Forging a path where none existed, the energy of creativity and determination breaks through barriers.

2. The Energy Flow of Self-Cultivation as the Foundation:

Cultivation: Unveiling the obstructions of the Southern Vermilion Bird’s Moon Chamber, achieving clarity and enlightenment through investigation of things.

The Body: Breaking free from the constraints of the Northern Black Tortoise’s Root, activating innate humanity and destiny, embodying the grandeur of the noble individual.

Action: Through self-restraint and adherence to propriety, it channels inner and outer energy, embodying moral action.

Foundation: As the ultimate foundation of the world, the core energy of the Middle Way sustains and harmonizes all.

3. The Three Fundamental Guiding Principles and Their Threefold Energy Flow:

The Inward Sage’s Energy Flow of Enlightenment: Realized through investigating things, extending knowledge, making intentions sincere, and rectifying the heart, purifying and elevating one’s inner being.

The Outward King’s Energy Flow of Connection: Starts from self-cultivation and extends to family, governance, and the world, bridging the individual with the collective.

The Taiji Energy Flow of Ultimate Goodness: Where the Yellow Emperor’s central earth connects all directions, embodying the dynamic balance of wave-particle duality and poetic dwelling in ultimate goodness.

4. The Energy Flow of the Six Waves:

1. The First Wave of Knowing When to Stop: Dwelling poetically on earth, embodying disciplined and pure energy.

2. The Second Wave of Stability: Remaining unshaken by external turmoil, with inner strength as solid as a rock.

3. The Third Wave of Stillness: Discovering wisdom in silence and perceiving thunder within tranquility.

4. The Fourth Wave of Calmness: Unmoving like the earth, supporting all beings.

5. The Fifth Wave of Contemplation: Deeply reflective, revealing the essence of reality.

6. The Sixth Wave of Attainment: Achieving ultimate enlightenment and transcendent completeness.

5. The Energy Symphony of the Eight Steps:

The Inward Sage’s Energy Flow of Six Steps Backward: From ruling the world to investigating things, uncovering the source through self-reflection.

The Outward King’s Energy Flow of Seven Steps Forward: From investigating things to ruling the world, embodying the Dao of benevolence through outward action.


The Great Learning’s symphony of self-cultivation, six waves, and eightfold harmony flows like an epic poem, connecting sagehood and kingship, motion and stillness, ultimately dwelling poetically in the land of ultimate goodness. It embodies the rotation of cosmic energy and the radiance of human nature.

提示🔔…… 大学之道的修身为本的三部曲-六波澜-八重奏的能量流:

1. 大学之道能量流: 大则上下四方、往古来今的宇宙能量流,学则三人行必有我师的见贤思齐、见不贤而内自省也的反求诸己的能量流,之则如字形的一点浩然气、千里快哉风的能量流,道则在没有路的地方走出一条路来的能量流。

2. 修身为本的能量流:修则解南朱雀的月窟时的物蔽以致知在格物而物格知致的能量流,身则破北玄武的天根处的气拘以识得人性激活的天命的大人能量流,为则克己复礼为仁的能量流,本则天下之大本的中道能量流。

3. 三纲领的三部曲的能量流:明德既明的物格-知致-意诚-心正的内圣能量流,民已亲的身修-家齐-国治-天下平的外王能量流,至善中麒麟诗意地栖止在联通五方上帝五方土的中央黄帝土的波粒二象性的能量流。

4. 六波澜的能量流:知止的诗意地栖息于大地的持戒净严的第一层能量波澜,有定的泰山崩于前而色不变、麋鹿兴于侧而目不瞬的第二层能量波澜,能静的于无声处听惊雷的第三层能量波澜,能安的安稳不动如大地的第四层能量波澜,能虑的静虑深密如秘藏的第五层能量波澜,能得的得无上佛果的第六层能量波澜。

5. 八条目的八重奏能量流:平天下-治国-齐家-修身-正心-诚意-致知-格物的以六个“先”字为标志的退六步的反求诸己的内圣能量流,物格-知致-意诚-心正-身修-家齐-国治-天下平的以七个“后”字为标志的进七步的推己及人的外王能量流。

