
Three levels of self-cultivation

The three levels of self-cultivation in humankind’s cosmic body can be interpreted as follows:

1. **Level One: Let Me Live (Root Chakra Energy Center; unity of body and mind, i.e. the activation of true self with the topless mind of infinite wisdom) **  
   At this foundational level, the focus is on individual survival, grounding, and the basic instinct for life. It emphasizes the importance of personal well-being, stability, and security. Cultivating energy at the root chakra involves connecting with the physical body and the Earth, nurturing one's basic needs, and establishing a solid foundation for life. This level is about recognizing one’s inherent right to exist and thrive.

2. **Level Two: Let Us Live (Heart Chakra Energy Center; unity of self and others, i.e. restoring the connection with true nature of humankind through the bottomless heart of love) **  
   This level expands the focus from the individual to the collective. It involves developing compassion, empathy, and love for others. The heart chakra serves as a bridge that connects personal well-being with the well-being of others. Cultivating energy at this level emphasizes building relationships, community, and social harmony. It’s about recognizing that true fulfillment comes from our connections with others and that together we can create a supportive and nurturing environment.

3. **Level Three: Let the Whole World Live (Crown Chakra Energy Center; touching the ultimate reality with the boundless soul of courage) **  
   At this highest level, the focus transcends individual and collective concerns to embrace the entire cosmos. It emphasizes spiritual awakening, universal compassion, and interconnectedness with all beings. The crown chakra represents the ultimate connection to the universe, higher consciousness, and the source of all life. Cultivating energy at this level involves recognizing the oneness of all existence, fostering a deep sense of responsibility toward the world, and promoting peace, sustainability, and harmony for the entire planet.

In summary, these three levels of self-cultivation reflect a journey from individual survival to collective harmony, culminating in a profound connection with the universe, highlighting the importance of personal, communal, and universal well-being in the cosmic body of humankind.

