
Recovery from sickness with three YY Fishes

Using the perspective of the three Yin-Yang fish of health and well-being, the interpretation of **"Sentient beings and those of the Two Vehicles are in an abnormal, pathological state, while Buddhas and Bodhisattvas represent a healthy, normal state"** can be understood as follows: sentient beings and those of the Two Vehicles exist in a state of energetic imbalance, akin to a pathological disharmony between Yin and Yang, whereas Buddhas and Bodhisattvas dwell in a harmonious and complete state of energy, representing the healthy norm.

### The Three Energy Flows of Yin-Yang Fish and the Health View of Sentient Beings, the Two Vehicles, Buddhas, and Bodhisattvas:

1. **The small Yin-Yang fish of aging and sickness (abdomen)**:
   Sentient beings and those of the Two Vehicles often fall into an imbalance of body and mind, experiencing fear and discomfort related to **aging** (gradually losing health) and **sickness** (health being challenged). The whole-form health (全形健康) of the abdominal energy cannot fully manifest, and the formless compassion (无相慈悲) is confined to self-preservation and an avoidance of suffering. This indicates a state of imbalance, a pathological condition.

   Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, however, face **aging** and **sickness** with equanimity, reflecting the fluid and unhindered energy of the abdomen, where life and death hold no attachment. This is the embodiment of whole-form health, signifying holistic healing on both physical and emotional levels.

2. **The large Yin-Yang fish of life and death (cranium)**:
   Sentient beings and those of the Two Vehicles are trapped in the duality of **life** and **death**, clinging to life and fearing death. The prajna wisdom (般若空慧) of the cranium is obstructed, and the heart-mind energy becomes entangled in delusion, falling into a state of descent from original enlightenment. This deeper pathological condition arises from misunderstanding and attachment to existence and non-existence.

   Buddhas and Bodhisattvas transcend the limitations of **life** and **death**, attaining the realm of whole-angle health (全角健康), where the cranial energy flows unobstructed, revealing the surpassing wisdom of emptiness. This represents an awakened, healthy norm, beyond the duality of life and death.

3. **The middle Yin-Yang fish of well-being (chest)**:
   The middle Yin-Yang fish of the chest symbolizes the ultimate bodhi of the Dao-body (道体无上菩提), representing the fusion of **well-being** (健) and **health** (康). Sentient beings and those of the Two Vehicles often dwell in a state of "the human heart is precarious" (人心惟危), unable to truly rest in ultimate goodness (止于至善). Thus, the energy nexus of the chest cannot fully operate its healing potential, leading to an abnormal, pathological state.

   Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, however, reside in the perfect realm of the Dao-body, where the energy nexus flows freely and they attain true **well-being** and **health**. This state encompasses not only physical health but also spiritual and mental well-being, reflecting the ultimate realization in the realm of eternal light (常寂光土).

### Conclusion:
From the perspective of the three Yin-Yang fish, sentient beings and those of the Two Vehicles remain in an unawakened, abnormal, pathological state, constantly troubled by the cycle of life, aging, sickness, and death, and clinging to the duality of body and mind. In contrast, Buddhas and Bodhisattvas represent the healthy norm, transcending these opposites and entering a realm of ultimate, holistic healing and bodhi. This state of health is not merely physical but includes the freedom and completeness of the mind and spirit.

