
孔子的敬鬼神而远之的祭拜态度 this is how Confucius pay respect to ghosts and gods

孔子的敬鬼神而远之的祭拜态度 this is how Confucius pay respect to ghosts and gods

Certainly! Here's the Chinese-English version:


The attitude of revering ghosts and gods while keeping a distance: a sincere and devout attitude of "worship as if ghosts of ancestors are present, worship the gods as if the gods are present."

From "as if present" to "as if truly present," ghosts and gods are not external superstitions but internal life energies.

The ghost represents the life energy of introspection and self-reflection, while the god represents the life energy of extending oneself to others with compassion and empathy. 


This version combines both languages to convey the philosophical meaning seamlessly.

