
咸恒二卦: 爱情和婚姻 Hexagrams of Xian and Heng: Love and Marriage

0. 咸恒二卦: 爱情和婚姻 Hexagrams of Xian and Heng: Love and Marriage

### 觉——木石前盟的纯洁爱情
**The Awakening: Pure Love of the Wood-Stone Inborn Pact**

The Xian (Influence) Hexagram symbolizes an effortless resonance, akin to the pure love of the Wood-Stone Inborn Pact. It embodies a natural, innocent and innate emotion, like the encounter of the beautiful plant (Wood) and the sky-patching rock (stone) in the Red Chamber Dream —an instinctive response that unfolds naturally without deliberate pursuit, much like the clear state of an awakening mind.

### 悟——金玉良缘的永久婚姻
**The Enlightenment: Enduring Union of Gold and Jade**

The Heng (Perseverance) Hexagram represents a persistent and steadfast commitment, emphasizing an enduring union akin to the Gold and Jade Marriage. It signifies a deep understanding and promise formed through cultivation and the test of time. This sentiment is not just an initial resonance but a result of accumulated and fortified through the trials of time, akin to the resolute faith and desired outcome attained after enlightenment.

