
人须醒: 涵盖乾坤,摆脱自我催眠的大脑而回归自我唤醒的心灵

提示——人须醒: 涵盖乾坤,摆脱自我催眠的大脑而回归自我唤醒的心灵

"人须醒" calls for a deeper awakening—a shift from mere existence to a state of heightened awareness. To "涵盖乾坤" (encompass heaven and earth) means to expand your consciousness to embrace the full spectrum of existence. This is not just about intellectual understanding but about a profound connection with the universe, transcending the narrow confines of individual concerns.

"摆脱自我催眠的大脑" (breaking free from the self-hypnosis of the brain) reflects the need to escape the automatic patterns and illusions that often dominate our minds. These habitual thoughts can create a false sense of reality, leading us into a kind of sleepwalking through life. To awaken from this state requires breaking these patterns and questioning the assumptions that bind us.

"回归自我唤醒的心灵" (returning to the self-awakened heart-mind) points to the journey back to our true nature—a state where the heart-mind (心灵) is fully conscious and alive. This is the realm of deep, intuitive wisdom that transcends the analytical mind. It’s about reactivating the inner light that naturally guides us when we’re not clouded by mental constructs.

In practice, this means cultivating mindfulness and self-reflection. It’s about recognizing when you’re caught in the loops of thought and gently steering yourself back to the present moment, where your true self resides. By doing so, you align with a more authentic and expansive awareness, one that can fully engage with the vastness of heaven and earth while remaining rooted in the simplicity of the heart-mind's awakening.

