
听之以耳的大学之道【心斋坐忘:正念禅定】**The Great Learning's path of listening with the ears [mindfulness and concentration] **


**The Great Learning's path of listening with the ears,**


**is fulfilled in the completion of bright virtue through listening with the heart,**


**in the fulfillment of harmony through listening with the breath,**


**and in the multilayered perfection of the ultimate good through the gathering of the Way in emptiness.**


**“听之以耳”** 表示最基本的感官层面的接收信息,这是《大学之道》的起点,但并非终点。

**"Listening with the ears"** represents the most basic sensory reception of information. This is the starting point of the *Great Learning's* path but not its end.

**“听之以心的明明德的穷尽”** 象征着通过心灵来听,能够实现明德的穷尽。此处的“心”指的是心智与情感的融合,超越了单纯的感官体验,达到了对事物的深刻理解与领悟。

**"The completion of bright virtue through listening with the heart"** symbolizes achieving the fulfillment of virtue by listening with the heart. Here, "heart" refers to the integration of intellect and emotion, transcending mere sensory experience and reaching a profound understanding and realization.

**“听之以气的亲民的穷尽”** 指的是通过呼吸来听,也就是通过与呼吸相伴的专注和觉知,达到了“亲民”的层次。这里的“气”代表了生命力与心气,表明通过调息与专注,人与他人、人与自然达成了深层的和谐。

**"The fulfillment of harmony through listening with the breath"** refers to listening through the breath, meaning through the focus and awareness that accompany breathing, reaching the level of "harmony with the people." Here, "breath" represents vital energy and inner spirit, indicating that through breath control and focus, deep harmony between individuals and between humans and nature is achieved.

**“唯道集虚的止于至善的重重无尽”** 强调的是通过集虚的方式,听取道的声音,达到了至善的境界。这种“虚”是心灵的空明状态,通过空虚而包容万物,体现出“止于至善”的重重无尽。

**"The multilayered perfection of the ultimate good through the gathering of the Way in emptiness"** emphasizes achieving the ultimate good by listening to the Way through emptiness. This "emptiness" refers to the clarity and openness of the mind. By embracing emptiness, one can encompass all things, reflecting the boundless layers of perfection in "ultimate goodness."

