
人的大学之道的三尽 【如来的凡夫体验】**The three completions of the Great Learning's path in the human being [human experiences of the spiritual being] **


**The three completions of the Great Learning's path in the human being,**


**are fulfilled in the realization of bright virtue through the individual experience of enlightenment,**


**in the boundless expression of universal harmony through the post-enlightenment practice of the sincere self,**


**and in the multilayered unity of heaven and humanity through the ultimate experience of the absolute spirit.**


**“人的大学之道的三尽”** 从玄学的视角探讨了《大学》之道在个人生命中如何体现,并经历了不同层次的体验与实现。

**"The three completions of the Great Learning's path in the human being"** explores from the perspective of metaphysics how the path of *Great Learning* manifests and is realized in different stages of personal life.

**“独体的明明德的穷尽”** 指的是通过开悟,个体在与天地独往的体验中发现良心,达到明德的极致。这种体验是内在的,体现了个体与宇宙的深刻联系和觉醒。

**"The realization of bright virtue through the individual experience of enlightenment"** refers to reaching the ultimate bright virtue through enlightenment, where the individual experiences a profound connection with the universe and discovers their conscience. This experience is internal and reflects a deep awakening and unity with the cosmos.

**“诚体的亲民的无尽”** 强调了在悟后修行中,通过个人内在的真诚体悟,实现了对天下一家的天理流行的体验。这种体验是外显的,表现为对宇宙真理的深入实践和推广。

**"The boundless expression of universal harmony through the post-enlightenment practice of the sincere self"** emphasizes achieving universal harmony through the sincere practice of the self after enlightenment. This experience is external, manifested in the deep practice and dissemination of universal principles.

**“道体的止于至善的重重无尽”** 体现了在绝对精神的层面上,通过天人合一的终极体验,达到至善的境地。这是最高层次的体验,代表着绝对精神与天地的终极合一。

**"The multilayered unity of heaven and humanity through the ultimate experience of the absolute spirit"** reflects achieving the ultimate state of goodness through the ultimate experience of unity between heaven and humanity. This represents the highest level of experience, where the absolute spirit reaches its ultimate unity with the cosmos.

