
人体小宇宙的大学之道**The Great Learning's path in the microcosm of the human body, representing the complete life,**


**The Great Learning's path in the microcosm of the human body, representing the complete life,**


**is fulfilled in the completion of bright virtue at the cellular level of the biological body, representing desires,**

**在化学体之分子的亲民的无尽,**  【情绪层次:元气】

**in the boundless work of bringing harmony at the molecular level of the chemical body, representing emotions,**

**在物质体之原子的止于至善的重重无尽。**  【杂念层次:元神】

**and in the multilayered perfection of the ultimate good at the atomic level of the material body, representing scattered thoughts.**



Here, the **"microcosm of the human body"** represents the complete life, with desires, emotions, and scattered thoughts, reflecting the application and realization of the *Great Learning* at different levels of life.

**“生物体之细胞的明明德的穷尽”** 象征着在欲望层面上,通过知行合一实现了德行的完善。欲望在此不再是消极的,而是通过正当的引导,成为生命动力的一部分。

**"The completion of bright virtue at the cellular level of the biological body"** symbolizes the fulfillment of virtue through the unity of knowledge and action at the level of desires. Here, desires are not seen as negative but are channeled correctly to become part of the life force.

**“化学体之分子的亲民的无尽”** 强调情绪的调和与平衡,通过对情绪的正确管理,达到了与内在自我的和谐共处,这种和谐是无尽的,不断在生命中体现。

**"The boundless work of bringing harmony at the molecular level of the chemical body"** emphasizes the harmonization and balance of emotions. Through proper management of emotions, a state of harmonious coexistence with the inner self is achieved, and this harmony is boundless, continually manifesting in life.

**“物质体之原子的止于至善的重重无尽”** 指的是对杂念的逐层净化,通过止于至善的实践,使得杂念在最基本的物质层面上得到清除,达到身心合一的境界。

**"The multilayered perfection of the ultimate good at the atomic level of the material body"** refers to the gradual purification of scattered thoughts. Through the practice of striving for the ultimate good, scattered thoughts are cleared at the most fundamental material level, leading to a state of unity between body and mind.

