
地涌十方菩萨的大学之道**the Great Learning of the Earth-Springing Bodhisattvas**


**The noble ones among the Earth-Springing Bodhisattvas, through constant virtuous conduct and the practice of teachings, fulfill the three completions of the Great Learning's path.**



Here, "the Earth-Springing Bodhisattvas" symbolize the noble ones who cultivate virtue on earth. Through relentless moral practice and the study of teachings, they embody the "three completions" of the path outlined in the *Great Learning*. These "three completions" can be understood as the integrity of knowledge, practice, and unity. They represent not only the completion of personal cultivation but also the unified understanding of heavenly, human, and material ways.


**In the fulfillment of the bright virtue of the Great Learning, the great ones among the Three-World Buddhas descended from heaven extend their illumination to the four directions.**



The "Three-World Buddhas" here symbolize the wisdom that transcends time and space. By extending their illumination through "inherited brightness," they reach the fulfillment of "bright virtue." The light of virtue not only illuminates oneself but also extends to the entire world, symbolizing the impact and teachings of the great ones on the world.


**In the boundless work of bringing the people to enlightenment, the noble ones illuminated by the light of Mahavairocana (Vairocana Buddha) cultivate themselves with reverence and self-reflection.**



The light of "Mahavairocana" symbolizes omnipresent wisdom and awakening, illuminating the noble ones. These noble ones, in their cultivation, always maintain a sense of reverence. Through continuous self-reflection, they work tirelessly to educate the people, reflecting an endless pursuit of social responsibility.


**In the multilayered perfection of the ultimate good, the noble ones illuminated by the moonlight of Shakyamuni Buddha engage in mutual learning with friends.**



The moonlight of "Shakyamuni Buddha" symbolizes gentle yet profound wisdom, illuminating the noble ones. In their pursuit of ultimate goodness, they continuously refine themselves through mutual learning and discussion with friends. This process of seeking ultimate goodness is "multilayered and endless," indicating that each level of cultivation brings new insights and awakenings.

