
周易的大学之道**The "Great Learning" of the Zhouyi (I Ching)**

**The "Great Learning" of the Zhouyi (I Ching)**


**1. 在天降三世诸佛的明明德的穷尽:**  
1. In the ultimate realization of 'Illuminating Virtue' through the descent of the Buddhas of the Three Times:  
The illuminating virtue of the Buddhas of the Three Times manifests the ultimate wisdom and awakening within heaven and earth, revealing endless brilliance and enlightenment.


**2. 在地涌十方菩萨的亲民的无尽:**  
2. In the boundless connection with humanity through the arising of Bodhisattvas from the ten directions:  
The path of Bodhisattvas arising from the ten directions represents boundless compassion and support, spreading the light of awakening to all beings.


**3. 在周易之道的止于至善的重重无尽:**  
3. In the infinite realization of ultimate goodness through the Way of the Zhouyi:  
The Way of the Zhouyi leads to ultimate goodness, revealing the laws of the universe and the ultimate beauty of life layer by layer, guiding beings toward fulfillment.

