
生命学问的大学之道**The "Great Learning" of Life's Wisdom**

**The "Great Learning" of Life's Wisdom**


**1. 在宇宙级心灵的明明德的穷尽:**  
1. In the ultimate realization of 'Illuminating Virtue' through a cosmic-level mind:  
The illuminating virtue of a cosmic-level mind reveals the infinite wisdom and awakening within life, fully realizing the pursuit of cosmic truth.


**2. 在世界级大脑的亲民的无尽:**  
2. In the boundless connection with humanity through a world-class brain:  
The world-class brain's connection with humanity manifests through the sharing and innovation of wisdom, providing endless contributions to human life.


**3. 在彻底觉醒的大人的止于至善的重重无尽:**  
3. In the infinite realization of ultimate goodness through the complete awakening of a fully realized person:  
The complete awakening of a fully realized person leads life toward ultimate goodness, revealing layer upon layer of profound beauty and fulfillment.

